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Post at 7-5-2010 16:51  Profile P.M. 
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Chlymedia and Ghonorrhea in theory should be able to be treated with antibiotics. The problem is that in China, and in a lot of other countries; pharmaceuticals are not controlled. Many people can have access to antibiotics or viagra... etc... without a Dr's prescription. A lot of that stuff is improperly taken. There have been many that have died from taking viagra when they shouldn't have because of a health problem, or taken antibiotics improperly and the bacteria builds resistance to the antibiotics.

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hunter   7-5-2010 16:52  Acceptance  -1   what the hell r u talkin bout?

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Post at 7-5-2010 17:23  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by darmour88 at 7-5-2010 16:51
Chlymedia and Ghonorrhea in theory should be able to be treated with antibiotics. The problem is that in China, and in a lot of other countries; pharmaceuticals are not controlled. Many people can hav ...

hunter why did you give him a -1?

what he said is absolutely right. Antibiotics are easily accessible in china and the poeple are not educated on how to use them properly.
For example, for antibiotics they are suppose to take a full session regardless if he/she have recovered before the last pill of the session.
The reason being, it's nessary to completely kill all the bacteria in your system, and dont allow any chance for them to evolve.

Many people stop taking the antibiotics when they see the symptoms dissapeared but bacteria are still there in small amounts, and allow time for them to evolve and build resistance to the drug. This is what is happening right now. and its a major problem.
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Post at 8-5-2010 04:26  Profile P.M. 
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You're typically given third generation cephalosporins for gonorrhea and chlamydia, which is expensive and not easily available everywhere in china.
Kinky King
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Post at 11-5-2010 11:53  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by darmour88 at 7-5-2010 16:51
Chlymedia and Ghonorrhea in theory should be able to be treated with antibiotics. The problem is that in China, and in a lot of other countries; pharmaceuticals are not controlled. Many people can hav ...

Originally posted by uwotextbook at 7-5-2010 17:23

hunter why did you give him a -1?

what he said is absolutely right. Antibiotics are easily accessible in china and the poeple are not educated on how to use them properly.
For example, for antibio ...

My point was that since antibiotics are easily available without prescription in China and a lot of other countries, therefore there is not a doctor or a qualified pharmacist on site to educate them on the antibiotics. When you take antibiotics you must take the proper dosage and finish all of them that you are prescribed. That ensures that all of the bacteria that you are infected with will be killed. Otherwise, for the strands that survive; they will build resistance to antibiotics overtime. Next time around when someone else picks up a strand, it will be harder to kill. These are the problems that are starting to arise. Long story short, the main cause of all of this is pharmaceuticals too easily available over the counter and without prescription. It's not controlled properly. The viagra part was another drug that is too easily available in asia and not controlled. Many people try to take it that are not healthy enough for sex and they end up having heart attacks or strokes. Since there's not a doctor there to give them the ok to take it, it can get risky for some. This was all in response to the post regarding strands of harder to kill bacteria that a previous poster posted. I was only trying to contribute awareness of the cause to the thread.

Could i possibly have my 1 point back?

[ Last edited by  darmour88 at 11-5-2010 11:55 ]

Recent Ratings
Jake   11-5-2010 12:55  Acceptance  +2   There ya go bro. Good info.

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