Subject: Queen spa Shenzhen
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Post at 16-9-2017 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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Queen spa Shenzhen

Thread Subject:  Queen spa
Date & Time of Session:  end of Aug 2017, Mon or Tue at 7PM
Location:  Queen spa in Louhu
Name:  I think 897 (not sure)
Agent: NA
Nationality & Language: Chinese from Guangdong, Manda only
Age: early 20's
Face:  oil massage 9/10, thigh massage 7/10
Body:  oil massage 9/10, thigh massage 8/10
Skill: oil massage 10/10 (legit massage skill), thigh massage 8/10
Service: 8/10
GFE: 8/10
Price & Session Length: Oil Massage: 238+100 tip/ thigh massage: 178 + 108 (extra session) + 156 (2 hr VIP room) + 200 tip = Total 980  
Repeat: Yes

I had a busy day and wanted to get a nice massage.  I heard of Queen spa, so I wanted to give it a try.  I was not clear whether they were 100% legit or extra was available.  Did the search, and it seems like they were mostly legit but YMMV.  I was in FuTian, so took the taxi to the spa.  About 25 mins on weekday night.  I been to other large spa, so I assume it will be similar.  Entered into large hotel like entrance and everything was clean and nice.  I don't speak Chinese, so I just proceeded straight through where they were pointing.  They gave me a wrist band and I changed into pajama like clothe.  Pretty routine stuff, so I will skip through the massage.

Entered the massage hallway and took a sit in one of the large massage chair.  People started to come and talk to me, but I just said "English", and they got this manager with English badge come over to translate. He was very helpful and went through the routine on where to choose the girls and get massage.  I was here for a nice massage first, so I decided to get a oil massage.  The girls at Queen spa are very cute.  Mostly 7-8, but occasional 9 and maybe even 10.  I chose this girl from the computer that I thought was very beautiful and tall. I was lead to a room and she came in.  She actually spoke very limited English, so I was glad.  She had an excellent massage skill, and I had one of the best massage in China.  In fact, she was not shy about massaging my back/butt.  She was from Hebei and had a awesome face/body (9/10 face, 9/10 body) so I was hoping for some extra.  However, she was very quite throughout and was very focused on massaging.  I gently touched her legs/thigh and she did not pull away, but kept a distance, so I could not do more.  I try to talk to her, but she was not very responsive.  Since it was my first time here, and I did not want to do anything I should not do, so I decided to just get a nice massage.  Afterward, I tried to talk again, but she was pretty professional, so I stopped.  Massage was 238+100 tip.

I thought maybe this place is legit and extra was not available. However, I read that thigh girls were more open to extra, and I should get a VIP room.  Thus, when I came out, I again got the English manager to help me choose a thigh massage girl.  They led me to a different computer screen and I chose one that I liked. I also asked for a room.  I was led to a room with two massage chair and they got me some fruit.  Thigh girl came in. She was not as beautiful as the previous massage girl and was shorter.  she was still pretty cute.  7/10 face and 7/10 body.  Anyway, she was from Guangdong and spoke no English, so I got out my google translator.  I am not sure if this is their routine, but she was complementing a lot on my looks. So I figured she liked me.  So when she was massaging me, I started to touch her side, and she did not pull away, but smiled.  So I started to touch her breast and butt, and she did not seem to mine.  However, when I was touching more, she say she was in a beauty shop yesterday, and her breast is tender.  I had no idea what she meant, so I did not push too much on touching.  Nevertheless, she was asking a lot of questions and seem interested in me. Kind of asking where I was staying and what I do after work, etc.  However, I was not totally into her, so I did not ask her out.  I did extend one more session still with roaming of her body.  Although I am pretty sure she would have done HJ if asked for a tip.  However, for some reason, I was not into it and was little uncomfortable doing it such as open place even though I was in a room. I think I was still thinking about the massage girl.  Anyways, afterwards, I gave her 100 tip.

Total, I spent about 6-7 hours there.  I think overall the experience was worth it for me if you want to get a good massage from pretty girls, which was what I was mainly looking for.  If you want the extra, then you should go to other place with more definite service. I must say the girls are the most beautiful here than I have seem in other places.  So I plan to visit more in the future when I am in Shenzhen.  I do like a clean and high quality spa experience.  Also, I must say I also like to "hunting" aspect of the mongering experience rather than just go in fully knowing what I am going to get even though it may cost more.

I am pretty new to China scene, so I don't know if others have different experience here.  I'll be very interested to hear others experience in other "legit spa" in Shenzhen.  

I heard that thigh

Recent Ratings
MothToAFlame   30-9-2017 23:58  Karma  +3   
LeoCan   16-9-2017 14:11  Karma  +5   I must say: too much money, but thanks the report.
Xsara   16-9-2017 13:23  Acceptance  +1   This is how it works... in the room if you want extra... the girl will ask for a price for it...normally they will push ...
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Post at 30-9-2017 13:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sunny28's post

The language barrier might have stood in your way. Next time just ask for "huan bao an mo" and the captain will know what you're looking for. That's the word for a massage with bbbj which I believe most if not all spas in SZ offer.

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MothToAFlame   30-9-2017 23:58  Karma  +3   
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Post at 1-10-2017 07:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 LionCityBoy's post

Gold Coast can be fun, but often their overly aggressive full massage agents are a pain in the butt, and take the 'r' out of relaxation.

That said their thigh massage are usually  a great way to start, but instead of paying their 200-300 hj tip plus the extra for the private room just get some good teasing snd the head over s block to Cherry's for a fantastic 70-minute b2b and bj for about 330rmb.

That's a good afternoon's fun!

Recent Ratings
Mister   1-10-2017 10:10  Karma  +1   Good tip

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