Subject: Young Spa (BaoBao)
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Post at 3-11-2017 13:42  Profile P.M. 
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Young Spa (BaoBao)

Name: BaoBao
Time & Date: September 3 afternoon
Joint: Young Spa
Link: ... Search(bldlocation)
Nationality: Chinese PRC
Age: 22
Face: 3/5 Young, wide face
Body: 3/5 Young body but no curves
Skill: 1/5 one of weakest massages I’ve had
Service: 3/5
GFE: 4/5 Flirty chat
PSE: 1/5
Damage: $600
Repeat: No

Apologies for another late report submission -   I’ve been lazy and still have a backlog of reports, but will post my recent activity more regularly.

I had booked SaSa at Young Spa, but when I got there she was still busy with another customer.  I did not want to wait, so I asked who was available, and they offered BaoBao, who was new and young.  So I took my shower, and waited.  Young Spa is located in the eastern end of Granville Street, close to the Space Museum.  The shop is looking slightly run down and overdue for a renovation.  It’s a little out of the way, but it a bit more discreet which is why I keep it on my list.  

After five minutes the door opens, and BaoBao comes in.  We recognize each other immediately.    When I last saw her last year, she used to call herself “Kay” at Princess Spa, also in TST.  These girls like to change their name from time to time so that they say they are “new” and “fresh” to customers.

BaoBao (previously Kay) is young (22), around 5’2 and has smooth white skin. But she has a wide face which she de-emphasizes with long hair parted down the middle, and she has zero body curves.   

I had booked her twice before at Princess Spa, because she was a young girl-next-door type which I get into the mood for from time to time.  But after the second time left me in pain because of her terrible massage technique, I didn’t go back.  Now, after one year, I thought that maybe those massage skills had improved, and so I went along.

Part I:  Unfortunately one year more of massage experience was not enough tot help her skills improve much.  Her hands were soft but still weak.   She started using her elbows to dig in while she was seated on my back to apply more pressure, but I still couldn’t feel much.  When she started using her elbow on my nape, I had to redirect her , because last time she did that, my neck felt awful for days.   She stopped a few times to check her phone during the massage and type out messages.  After just 20 minutes, she asked me to flip.

Part II was better, but nothing great.  BaoBao slathered the oil on little brother.  She took out her small A cups with the cute little nipples.  All the while, she engaged in very flirty banter, giving the standard compliments like “do you work out” and “it’s too big”, but to her credit, going a little bit further and asking questions like "what kind of girlfriend are you looking for" and "when do you plan to marry" .  I shot my load after a few minutes, nothing particularly intense or special. The best part of Part 2, was not physical but more the flirty conversation. She cleaned up, I showered and since we had extra time , she gave me a quick head massage.

Before I left, she asked me to add her on wechat.  Over the next few days, she sent me a lot messages - she is very chatty and flirty, and even invited me to Shenzhen.   I’m tempted by the flirty exchanges to go back, because the attention is flattering for my ego.  But when I think about all the other hotties out there that I haven’t tried, many hotter than BaoBao (like Elsa at Spring Spa for example), it just would not be sensible to repeat.

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Recent Ratings
mchk   14-11-2017 20:09  Karma  +2   
Steveinflight   12-11-2017 21:52  Acceptance  +1   
bohica   4-11-2017 04:59  Karma  +4   You did not answer the question - when will you marry? LOL.
JJJ37   4-11-2017 00:21  Karma  +5   
batman108   4-11-2017 00:16  Karma  +3   awesome and thanks
Bloodrage   3-11-2017 20:10  Karma  +2   
Macau81   3-11-2017 19:52  Karma  +5   
Mister   3-11-2017 15:20  Karma  +4   Young Spa often has a good selection of girls, like Sasa. Looking forward to reports on girls working now

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