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Post at 21-4-2010 01:12  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for all the words of advice and concern bros....

Lethargy...My god...I don't even know what that means and i don't want to know either...The last time i went to see a doctor was just 20 years ago when i had a few budwiser bottles smashed over the back of my head...Hence having to go to hospital to have the gash at the back of my head glued...I don't think i would want to go to the doctors to find out what is wrong with me....( I think i am too scared to find out...)

Exercise and hobbies...RICO just doesn't have the time... There is always something going through my mind...( Ways to make money...Business you've got to make your money while you still can...I have taken a few days off...For example...Getting up in the morning and instead of driving to work...Fucking off to London for three days and i went to the North of England for three days as well...I love booking into hotels and vegging out....

Clinical depression.... I don't feel depressed...Just can't be arsed doing anything...All i want to do is veg out in my bed or a hotel...I must admit though i do feel drained....Don't feel bored....

RICO just can't seem to get his drive back....All i do is take deep breaths all the time...( Tou thai hay ah...)

Well fuck this shit...Is it just part of the process of growing older....
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Post at 21-4-2010 01:31  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rico at 21-4-2010 01:12
I love booking into hotels and vegging out....

With a box of kleenex close by, no doubt.
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Post at 21-4-2010 01:48  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rico at 21-4-2010 01:12
I have taken a few days off...For example...Getting up in the morning and instead of driving to work...Fucking off to London for three days and i went to the North of England for three days as well...

That's a good start, Rico. A change is as good as a rest.
Take care.
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Post at 21-4-2010 07:49  Profile P.M. 
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what you need is some hot and cold fire ball sucking and rimming party lol...

nah man, but sometimes there are just times when we want a break from everyting and don';t care abt shit.. just take it easy and rejuvenate yourself..
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Post at 21-4-2010 08:11  Profile P.M. 
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The best advice I heard a while back is to have a 'balanced' life style of

1. physical (exercise etc)
2. mental/intellectual (learning etc)
3. social ( meet with the guys or the gf)
4. spiritual (yes, it's in there somewhere)

and I forgot the 5th, but I think it had to do with related to goals and attaining your goals.

Note: And all 5 of those things are done, EACH day! Not only social on weekends, etc.

Set some new goals, it does sound like your in a routine of sorts. Set goals that are completely out of your reach, then work to attain them. You play games so pretend this is one of your characters, logout of that character and re-roll a new one. You can ALWAYS come back to this one if you 'want' to, but go start a new one and explore some other newbie lands.

Keep your head up and remember, the world is the playground so figure out what you want to set as your goal, and do it!

[ Last edited by  champ at 21-4-2010 08:13 ]
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Post at 21-4-2010 11:26  Profile P.M. 
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Hey Rico,

Don't worry about it. It will pass.  After all, you've made it to this point in life and you would be on track again in no time.

Perhaps it has to do with your job. Maybe you don't like some of the deals you've been doing. A job is not just a job. It's who you are, and, if you want to change who you are, first, you have to change what you do. Take a break and good luck.
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Post at 21-4-2010 12:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Rico's post

lol....Rico...yah..I thought u were young..didn't think u were 21 young but yah...

U can't have a mid-life crisis now..cause well..unless ur planning on shooting urself at just aint the middle yet...

To to HK...u just miss it....
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Post at 21-4-2010 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 Rico's post


Do you have any hobbies? any outlet?

WGs are not really a hobby ya know
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Post at 21-4-2010 16:47  Profile P.M. 
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get yourself checked for depression.
it isn't unusual for people to feel depressed after they realize (consciously or not), that we are insignificant and so is everything we do and life is, basically meaningless.
some get out of it by realizing that if life is meaningless then the purpose of life is what YOU make it to be.
clear as mud right?
go see a professional armchair psychiatrists and amateur existentialists can only help you so much.
hope it works out for you. if it's any consolation, you're not alone.  i often feel the same way, but i've been like this for most of my life.
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Post at 22-4-2010 02:53  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks again for your voices of concern and advice bros....

How do you get yourself checked for depression...It's not a medical problem.... I am just feeling really down and seemed to of lost my drive...It's a good job i am alone in the UK otherwise i reckon it would fuck up my personal life.....I have no urge to do anything..I feel drained all the time but just grit my teeth and get on with things....

Have any of the other bros experienced anything like this.....
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Post at 22-4-2010 07:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rico at 22-4-2010 02:53
Thanks again for your voices of concern and advice bros....

How do you get yourself checked for depression...It's not a medical problem.... I am just feeling really down and seemed to of ...

Bro Rico, depression is a medical condition and it can be treated. I was diagnosed with it and by recognising it and talking to a medical professional about it I recovered and am fine although I do however occasionally have set backs.

You say that you feel drained all the time, I'm no doctor but there is a condition called CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) which is more familiarly known as yuppie flu. Get it checked man

Keep on mongering....
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Post at 22-4-2010 07:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rico at 22-4-2010 02:53
Thanks again for your voices of concern and advice bros....

How do you get yourself checked for depression...It's not a medical problem.... I am just feeling really down and seemed to of ...

Your a business person it appears, and I'm sure you ask your clients this or work towards answering and meeting/exceeding it - but what is Your bottom line?

Your living just to live, going through the motions. No one creates a business to go through the motions, there's always a bottom line that charts the business to progresses further than where it was before.

So, whats your bottom line? Find it, then raise it. Raise it higher than you ever have before. You have one life to live. If your satisfied with the routine your in, then that's fine - there is nothing wrong here with that. However, your voicing what your experiencing here tells us otherwise - that you or that voice in your head is saying 'something needs to change.'

You can go to a shrink, get some pills, and chemically 'feel' a little better - but that won't change the routine your in, and eventually the same feelings will come - and you'll pop more pills. It's a temporary fix.

Find and raise your bottom line, and just like when you started out in business, work to achieve it with a burning fervor. Reignite your passion for life and living.

note: if you do have a medical condition, then you should get checked out - however a good amount of people experience depression from lack of self motivation, etc. - I was one of them.


[ Last edited by  champ at 22-4-2010 07:36 ]
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Post at 22-4-2010 07:52  Profile P.M. 
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I think you need to take more time out and veg out more

I guess it's probably because of the way of you think and the job you do as you said, no hobbies, always thinking about making money.

Well money doesn't always make you happy and you need to balance work and life, you don't live to work, but you work to live and if you are doing ok, why spend more time working. Enjoy life a bit, take a holiday, a short break, anything to get away from work, so you can think clearly about other things.
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Post at 22-4-2010 09:17  Profile P.M. 
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Mid-life crisis is when you do things that make you feel young (getting a new sports car, taking up sports and playing with young people, getting a 20 year old girl friend, etc)....
And doing things that you feel you need to do before you die (sky diving, climbing Mt. Everest, etc.)
You don't seem to be in either of these catagories....

It also doesn't sound like depression...
Sounds more like you're burned out (bored, unexcited) from your regular routine.
Best thing to do, is probably start doing things that either interests you, or challenges you (either in your work life, or social life, but preferably both)
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Post at 22-4-2010 10:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Rico at 20-4-2010 04:11
Alright bros..RICO here...

I have heard this expression numerous times..." MID-LIFE CRISIS"


Every word you write sounds like you're depressed - not like "sicko depressed" - just plain old down, demotivated, tired, fed up, grumpy.  

Give yourself a break: you do NOT have to change the world, it'll get on fine without you for a while, and (may surprise you) your best friends and closest family would LOVE for you to take time out and look after yourself.  

Fact is
- you have enough money
- so hunger alone isn't enough to get you going any more
- and facing a challenge is boring and samey to you
so you've run out of juice.  

STRONGLY recommend going to talk to a doc - there is light on the other side

but your old solutions aren't going to be able to handle the way you're feeling.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 22-4-2010 12:16  Profile P.M. 
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Nuthing a matched pair of totally shaved pussies can't solve!    And that's pretty much true for most of life's problems.

More seriously: it is good to deal with malaise in a deliberate manner, get checked out, etc.  Although it's most likely you're just overworked.  The body and mind can take that for an extended period but eventually it will catch up with you and in the most insidious ways.

However, what I'd like to caution you on is how you get checked up.  Talk to your doc or whomever, but realize that psych diagnosis can persistently follow you around and mess with your 'insurablity' in the future.  That's not a good reason to avoid seeing a doc, but perhaps consider doing so "off record."  Certainly don't let some doc label you with 'clinical depression' just because he wants to avoid future liability.

I know this is awkward advice to follow ('see a doc but don't let anyone know you've seen a doc!   ) but such are the vagaries of modern healthcare.  

Good luck!  And please, please, please post pictures of the bald pussy three way!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 22-4-2010 18:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 Rico's post

Rico, the symptoms of depression aren't always that you feel depressed... you may feel flat or just "down". Another thing to consider is Glandular Fever. a simple blood test can resolve. Whatever the case consider seeing a doc.
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Post at 22-4-2010 19:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 champ's post

Well said, bro. I like the concept of reaising your bottom line. I was also a little lethargic and depressed until quite recently and thanks to one of our WGs woke myself up, shook myself off and set higher goals and have been pushing myself and feel like I'm 30 again (and that's half of what I actually am!). Good advice.
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Post at 22-4-2010 19:13  Profile P.M. 
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Didn't know about glandular fever. Will look it up. I've been pushing myself but often feel knackered and wonder why.

Originally posted by TonyToro at 22-4-2010 18:51
Rico, the symptoms of depression aren't always that you feel depressed... you may feel flat or just "down". Another thing to consider is Glandular Fever. a simple blood test can resolve. Wha ...

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Post at 22-4-2010 20:17  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Siklong69 at 22-4-2010 19:13
Didn't know about glandular fever. Will look it up. I've been pushing myself but often feel knackered and wonder why.

the other one I've heard of is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Details HERE.

In terms of Glandular fever... a description from wikipedia below, but as I said... best to see a doc since a blood test can check you out.

Infectious mononucleosis (IM) (also known as EBV infectious mononucleosis or Pfeiffer's disease or Filatov's disease[1] and colloquially as kissing disease—from its oral transmission—or as mono in North America and as glandular fever in other English-speaking countries) is an infectious, very widespread viral disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), one type of herpes virus, to which more than 90% of adults have been exposed.[2] Most people are exposed to the virus as children, when the disease produces no noticeable symptoms or only flu-like symptoms. In developing countries, people are exposed to the virus in early childhood more often than in developed countries, which is why the disease in its observable form is more common in developed countries. It is most common among adolescents and young adults. [3]
Especially in adolescents and young adults, the disease is characterized by fever, sore throat and fatigue, along with several other possible signs and symptoms. It is primarily diagnosed by observation of symptoms, but suspicion can be confirmed by several diagnostic tests.


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