First of all, get checked up for depression!
It is quite bormal to reach a stage where everything becomes routine once in a while, but if it lasts too long then you should see someone about it.
I don't mind sharing that I had similar feelings/problems the last couple of years and it is hard to shake off.
My recent near ship sinking experience shook me out of this feeling of boredom and without going into too personal details, it woke me up to the fact that there is still a lot more excitement out there as long as you don't waste your life away just taking the easy and lazy route of watching TV and basically treading water and wasting time.
I used to have a few hobbies (besides mongering, that is!) but I had completely neglected them.
The wake up call of having quite intense feelings again, even though it was for a WG and could never really work as a normal relationship, spurred me to get back into having a life and doing all sorts of things I had neglected, including photography, which I had always enjoyed, but practically given up. I started by getting a new and better camera and taking shots of the HGs, but that's just a fraction of what I photograph again and my friends are appreciating it.
The hardest part is sometimes just forcing yourself off your butt to get up and do things again, but I can guarantee when you manage it you will feel a lot better.
A good dose of exercise also helps and I have been doing this for the past 6 weeks and feel a lot better, have better and longer erections and much more intense orgasms. Last Sunday with Wet Wet was amazing and she couldn't believe that I was more than three times her age! Good luck, bro! I'm sure all of us here on 141 are rooting for you.
I was very touched recently when so many bros came out and supported me when I had a problem.