Subject: Closed Spa's in Causeway Bay
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Post at 14-7-2023 13:07  Profile P.M. 
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Closed Spa's in Causeway Bay

There is 2 Spas I liked to visit, Kim and Bitto. both has some fantastic girls, sometimes its Happy Ending, but most times FS, but looks like they have been closed now. one is turned into a lawyers the other still waiting to see.
There is a couple behind Sogo that are good visits. but one that seems to be on the decline is 506 Java road, 9 floor. Last 2 visits were strange.

One time meeting a previous girl, but even though chatting in the app, when I get there, she is not the girl. even though claimed to be on the app, seems like a bait and switch like situation, I was so annoyed by this I left, even though there was 4 other girls, and one had a nice face, I had already comited myself to leave.
Ok the next time, 2 weeks later, I go again, thinking ok, lets see one of these potentials. Also, when I get there, a relatively nice lady takes me to the room. while I was preparing, another Girl, who was quite overweight came in. So I resigned my self to just a massage, She offered HJ and full service, all refused, she was not really happy, and maybe many guys like big women, but unfortunately for me, I like skinny or slim. Even flat chest girl is sexy in its own way. But it seems the quality in causeway bay does seem to be suffering.

Lastly, I went to Pheonix Apartment, and when to a girl that had a sign on the door, Japan Student, Thought that sounds good, but alas, another medium size older lady. This is making me become more picky, it seems that the price we would expect someone a bit special, maybe slim or yourger, the older, overweight types are taking advantage.

So if you have any insites into good spas in Causeway bay. then share. I am always looking for that 1 person I can sitck with, but things move so quick my head spins.
A quite spa like the bitto would be ideal. waking up 3 flights of stairs is not good for me knees. lol/

Recent Ratings
chunkibutt   28-8-2023 11:07  Karma  +3   
orangerange   31-7-2023 13:23  Karma  +6   Wondering the same
cityguy   14-7-2023 17:07  Karma  +6   not CWB but Wish/Kama/Mia in Central would be a good option

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