Subject: Going for a stroll around Fuji
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 11-6-2023 19:52  Profile P.M. 
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Going for a stroll around Fuji

Location : Fuji 13th floor B1
Date / Time : June 11 - 3:30PM
Name: Soo Soo
Nationality & Language: Claims to be HK, but I have my doubt. Speaks Mandarin and limited English
Age: mid 20s
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5 - 34B maybe
Height: 160cm
Skill: 3/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 2/5
Price & Session Length: $700
Repeat: Too many other targets to repeat this one

After scouting and marking which doors to visit on my next trip I decided to try the gal on B1 on the 13th floor. She said her name is Soo Soo, which in my head sounds like "uncle" in Mandarin. She said she is a local girl, but I haven't run into many local girls in this business. My Mandarin be barely passable, so I could not really detect an accent. I have my doubts about her being a Hong Konger, but I wasn't there to be Sherlock Holmes.

The most interesting thing in all the action was that she gave a pretty solid CBJ. Everything else was pretty standard fair and enjoyable. She let me go at it for a while and took everything I could give. Not robotic, but not exactly super into it. I think above average to most mainlanders I have had.

I thought she had a pretty face and nice figure. She is probably carrying around perky 34Bs, a decently flat tummy, and shapely butt. My guess is that she is anywhere from mid to late 20s.

Recent Ratings
Goose.Mk2   2-7-2023 14:10  Karma  +8   
Ramsyhk   16-6-2023 16:12  Acceptance  +1   Curious, never have been in such a building. Heard about fuji and jsl. So its like we can see a brief about the girl on ...
HK_Legend   13-6-2023 16:43  Karma  +8   
boscitc   13-6-2023 10:27  Karma  +8   
monogamous   12-6-2023 08:01  Karma  +1   
Gstu   12-6-2023 04:55  Acceptance  +1   
biztron   11-6-2023 23:23  Karma  +2   Favorable

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