Subject: Fuji - 6A3 - Xiwei (?) AV model
Lustful Lord
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Post at 9-6-2023 20:35  Profile P.M. 
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Fuji - 6A3 - Xiwei (?) AV model

Location : Fuji 6A3
Name: Xiwei
Nationality & Language: Mainland & Mandarin only
Age: 24/25
Face: 4/5
Body: 5/5 Slim, natural B/C
Skill: 3/5
GFE: 5/10
PSE: 0/10
Price & Session Length: $700/ 30 mins
Repeat: Too many fish in sea
Overall score: 6/10

Have not checked out Fuji for sometime so decided to hiki Fuji Mt again after long lunch in area.

Not much available during my quick tour, the Russians in town are pretty meh and overpriced. Some decent mainland girls, in the end decided to settle for 6A3 by name of Xiwei (maybe got it wrong).
I knew immediately what I was getting myself into, as Xiwei didn't really had the most positive attitute when she opened the door but her face / body was my type and for the price I just wanted a quick

Started with general routine, shower, dry on the bed. Unfortunately she does not speak english, only mandarin so communication was very limited.
Usual cat bath, nothing to get too excited about other than being able to touch, feel and see her tight soft body in the mirror.
CBJ was 'okay' again nothing to get too excited about, only lasted 5mins. BBBJ was on offer for +$200, which I declined. Was worried with BBBJ I might end up too early during sex.
Sex was really robotic, again I didn't care too much as expectation was well managed. Nice tits, very natural and allowed me to play all I want with plenty of sucking.
Good thing she isn't a clock watcher, she didnt mind different positions and took a good pounding!
We finished up with cum on her stomach/tits.

Showered, dressed and off I went.

If you're after a young, good looking girl for a quick bang. She is your girl, but do not expect too much GFE. No kissing etc. but allows you to suck as much as you want on her tits

Recent Ratings
banter141a   16-6-2023 07:02  Karma  +5   
monogamous   10-6-2023 22:44  Karma  +4   
HK_Legend   10-6-2023 10:07  Karma  +8   
pirate1   10-6-2023 00:11  Acceptance  +3   Nice I like unlimited tits sucking. Had an amazing one in KH. BTW was the bush trimmed ?
americafirst141   9-6-2023 22:39  Karma  +6   
Lustful Lord
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Post at 10-6-2023 09:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Cumonin22's post

price for 7 days mainlanders go up to $700 for a standard menue!!
Lustful Lord
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Post at 10-6-2023 12:54  Profile P.M. 
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@pirate1 - she has a bush but it's not super hairy. She allows some light fingering/clit play.

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