Sure you make stuff up, e.g, "The whole world is laughing at Trump".
Do you even know how a democracy works? Let me guess, you don't live in the US, aren't a US citizen and have never lived in a democracy. Have to win the electoral college not the popular vote. If Hillary thought winning the popular vote was the way in then she made a huge miscalculation.
Trump won because of his platform, position on issues and agenda all of which he is implementing AKA, a man of his word. And that is not divisive, doing the things he was voted into office to do.
Personally I am enjoying the way he rattles the media. Its intentional. Keeping the media off balance and chasing around after things that don't really matter.
The field of journalism / reporting the news needs a huge shake up IMHO. So much of our news is not news at all. Its rumors, inaccurate, not checked, agenda based, judgmental and sensationalism to support sales / revenue, egotistical.
I don't get credible news off utube but thanks anyway for the link.