Subject: Wish - Cici
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Post at 2-11-2024 11:36  Profile P.M. 
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Wish - Cici

Name: Cici
Spa: Wish
Location: Central
Girl: Chinese
English: Not much
Body: Decent
Skills: The same
Service: Mechanical, but not unfriendly
Blowjob: Skipped (her choice, not cool)
Handjob: I had to help her out
WIR: Wish yes, girl no

I won't belabor the points. I think you get enough from the above. Wish has treated me well over the years, though I know some people have bones to pick. Cici was a midrange option. I had a good time, I came, but it wasn't the same fireworks that some other girls have elicited. Biggest red flag was that when I checked the time as I walked out, it was a full 15 minutes before the hour was up. This has never happened at Wish before. They're always good about giving me a bang for my buck...and not rushing through the parts. Cici and her bolt-ons...I'll skip next time. But I'll definitely be back at Wish. I hear good things about Joey on this forum.

NOTE: Wish has a new contact, as I guess...some guy stole a phone from their office? Bizarre. nevertheless, contact them here:

TG channel: Wspa88
TG res: Wspa8cs

Recent Ratings
chunkibutt   14-11-2024 20:15  Karma  +3   
titleist   8-11-2024 17:04  Karma  +3   I assume you were recommended by the mama to try cici. I was and she was no good
cityguy   2-11-2024 20:42  Karma  +6   Joey is 10/10
HK_Legend   2-11-2024 12:43  Karma  +10   
JackTheBat   2-11-2024 12:30  Karma  +13   Sounds lame AF.

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