Poll Subject: How much would you payi for a single session? (Poll)  single choice [Show Voters]
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Subject: How much would you payi for a single session? (Poll)
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 6-12-2018 10:09  Profile P.M. 
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How much would you payi for a single session? (Poll)

I was looking for fun in Macau and came across a girl who wanted 100,000HKD for five hours. That's 20k per hour. Picture below.

To quote the great scholar John McEnroe
This video is provided by youtube.com, you may check HERE.

Initially I thought the price was her way of saying fuck off, but she seemed pretty confident that's that she harvests. I think even the finest JAV reports tap out at less than half of it. No doubt there is another tier of girls out there, but not advertising on public sites.

So this is my question for the group. What's the most you'd consider for a single session. (30min - 1 hour). All extras included.

Footnote: if anyone has a lazy 100k they want to donate, ill take one for the team and try her out and report back

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Recent Ratings
batman108   27-5-2019 11:27  Acceptance  +3   awesome and thanks

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