Poll Subject: What is the cheapest you paid for full service  single choice [Show Voters]
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Subject: What is the cheapest you paid for full service
Kinky King
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Post at 13-7-2018 05:00  Profile P.M. 
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What is the cheapest you paid for full service

What is the least amount you paid for a punt.
Taking you GF or wife to dinner does not count.
Only working girls.
Throbbing Titan
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Post at 13-7-2018 13:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 tbickle76's post

Walkups were widely available all across the city for HK$350 just a few years ago.  And decently good-looking twentysomethings, too!

Still the most economical option in HK, apart from the streetwalkers.
Sex God
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Post at 13-7-2018 16:17  Profile P.M. 
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in Athens, Kolonou area
Paid 10€ = 11,60$

Recent Ratings
obe   14-7-2018 11:58  Acceptance  +10   WOW

Please, don't be a Lame Dupe Over Payer (google it if you don't know) while you are in Pattaya (and every where in the world)

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