Poll Subject: Will you ever Like a 141 prostitute ad in Facebook?  single choice [Show Voters]
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Subject: Will you ever Like a 141 prostitute ad in Facebook?
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Post at 24-8-2010 03:24  Profile P.M. 
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Will you ever Like a 141 prostitute ad in Facebook?

Just noticed today that 141 added the Facebook Like button in all database advertisements of girls. If you are logged in to your Facebook account and click on this Like button, you become a fan of that web page, and this action will be posted to your Facebook News Feed along with a link back to the 141 advertisement for all your friends to see.

Poll Question:
Are you ever going to announce to all your Facebook friends that you Like an advertisement of a prostitute at 141, or not?

[ Last edited by  SkinnyForum at 24-8-2010 04:15 ]

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Post at 24-8-2010 12:18  Profile P.M. 
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i think i need to set up another new facebook account to do that....
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Post at 24-8-2010 13:32  Profile P.M.  QQ Yahoo!
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I have 2 facebook accounts one for this type of activities and one real one for friends and family. It seems to work out fine as long as I dont add the wrong friend to the wrong account
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Post at 24-8-2010 14:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 haroldla's post

wow, Id love to but my wife would kill me.  man, facebook ruins everything
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Post at 26-8-2010 20:27  Profile P.M. 
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If I did I will be in BIG trouble!
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Post at 28-8-2010 13:07  Profile P.M. 
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What a bad idea to add this to the ads.  I could totally see someone (me) clicking on that button without thinking or accidentally.  Not something I want to sharing.
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Post at 28-8-2010 13:32  Profile P.M. 
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Well it really depends who your friends are.

I am sure there are many guys that do nothing else than visiting working girls. Look at the expat population in Angeles City, Philipines. I am sure these guys don't mind sharing their lifestyle with their friends.
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Post at 31-8-2010 04:25  Profile P.M. 
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some of the 141 members already have a FB page just for this hobby
ICIM (The Green Hatted Pussy)
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Post at 3-9-2010 18:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SkinnyForum's post

hmmm....not sure its a good idea.

Wouldnt this draw too much unwanted attention to 141 and our hobby. Im sure alot of straight laced people would find it offensive, some may even start a crusade to harm the 141 etc.
escritic (Just a teddy bear)
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Post at 4-9-2010 00:28  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Reply #9 ICIM's post

I would imagine that punters would create a punting FB profile just for that. It would be a pretty common safe practice, just like having a different phone dedicated for the hobby.

Remember, prostitution is legal in HK and some other countries.

Offering BFE to the chosen ones
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Post at 6-9-2010 09:21  Profile P.M. 
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i'm not sure if i'm more concerned my girlfriend will break up with me or my boss will look at my differently going forward... too many reports on being researched on the web base on what people do on social media outlets
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Post at 5-10-2010 00:18  Profile P.M. 
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Shit I didn't see the facebook button. I'll be in world of shit if I pressed it! I mean friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, people that I don't see anymore but still know me one reason or another. Its about as bad as posting naked pictures of yourself on facebook.
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Post at 5-10-2010 03:38  Profile P.M. 
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some of my friends know what i do, so i don't mind letting them know about 141 on facebook but to let all my other friends and family know about it on facebook is a big no no. some things are just better left unknown.
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Post at 13-10-2010 18:14  Profile P.M. 
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Only if she's a famous actress or AV idol.. otherwise, people are going to be eyeballing me every now and then. Plus its gameover for "business meetings" over at Hong Kong!
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Post at 1-12-2010 09:47  Profile P.M. 
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Definetely no... I agree with redevil69... An advertisement would attract more trouble and hassle and more frowned looks from close-minded people.
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Post at 3-12-2010 15:56  Profile P.M. 
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A no for me too.  They should have an option to turn off that display.  You never want to have your facebook on your browser activated and then accidentally click on the like button.  There is no confirmation button and the "like" will be automatic.  The only way around it is to me a conscientious effort to separate your facebook session on one browser (say google chrome) and your 141 session on another browser (say firefox).  That way even if you accidentally hit like, nothing will register.
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Post at 3-12-2010 18:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SkinnyForum's post

yeah, this is definitely a bad idea with potential for disaster. Who among us hasn't clicked on something we shouldn't have or sent out an email to the wrong person then screaming NOOOOO!!! as we jab uselessly at the keyboard trying to hit the non-existent "cancel last action" key.

I think we all need to be extra careful now when browsing the site
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Post at 8-12-2010 03:29  Profile P.M. 
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I am so happy with my facebook account, it is after 4 years still virgin :-)  never accepted any invitation
Should be an anarchist is everyone of us ?
But like the idea of a second facebook account for this hobby, cool idea.
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Post at 15-12-2010 07:02  Profile P.M. 
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Wow, way too dangerous for me to set up another Facebook account.  As someone married, it would be a disaster if my account got out.

To much to manage with way too much down side.  I can see myself clicking the link with the wrong Facebook logged in and poof, mucho problema

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Post at 28-12-2010 01:10  Profile P.M. 
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9 people who voted yes are either:

1. Have no real friends on their facebook
2. Lying
3. Did not read the question properly
4. Their friends, relatives know they visit sex141

I personally would definately say no, im sure most of you agree with me..
what difference does it make if you write SEX141 on your forehead

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