Subject: Finally make a return to HK mongering
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Post at 4-11-2024 08:35  Profile P.M. 
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Finally make a return to HK mongering

Hey y'all,

Quick nonsense post but I'm just excited to get back get my cock wet for cheap(ish).

Not been active here as I moved back to the UK, so go figure haha.

Checked my account here and saw that it did still exist, with my last input being end of 2019 with a review (and subsequent DMs about a Russian girl called Marina)- so naturally I'll aim to go out and find some good puss and report back for all the brothers here....

Only back for 10 days so will be found doing the seedy "Take the lift to the top and walk down, eyeing up all the talent on the way down" at the usual places, I'm mainly here for the white girls and Russians knocking about, so if any bro's here
have some good intel on which buildings they're hiding in let me know!

Quite tempted to do one of the more expensive 1300-1600HKD whatsapp/telegram offerings, as some of the girls there look just my type- but I've not done it before- any tips?

As I'm Asian and born in Hong Kong, but grew up in the UK I don't have any Canto or Manadarin I'm hoping the pre-text/booking system is ok with it!

Let the week of seedy sex begin

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gg1234   4-11-2024 22:46  Acceptance  +5   
dienw   4-11-2024 12:29  Acceptance  +3   DeepL or Google Translate can be used to make bookings in Chinese.
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Post at 4-11-2024 11:07  Profile P.M. 
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Take the photos with a grain of salt. Photoshop has gotten out of control. Videos are better, but still can have a lot of editing involved.

Not being able to book in Chinese may hurt your ability to book with some of the agents.

Can't help you with the walk-ups, and most of the white girls I've seen floating around are on telegram for 1300-2000.

Good luck!
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Post at 4-11-2024 22:50  Profile P.M. 
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If it’s too good to be true it probably is. There are some TG agents that I use to communicate in English with. There isn’t a “foreigner tax” so that’s a plus. PM me if you want the agent contacts.

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