Subject: [Japan] Takamatsu, Kagawa - Palourde Rouge Soapland
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Post at 1-1-2018 12:38  Profile P.M. 
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[Japan] Takamatsu, Kagawa - Palourde Rouge Soapland

Date/Time: March 2017, afternoon
Provider: Palourde Rouge (Soapland)
Contact Info:
Type/Location: Japanese Soapland, Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture
Language Specifics: All Japanese
Session Length/Fee: 16,000JPY / 50 minutes
Physical description: Hinata, petite (no longer on roster)

Was in the mood to shag a petite girl, so went back to this soapland that I had been before. 

I look Asian and speak passable Japanese so was never questioned, but YMMV.

Asked about the new girl discount, but wasn’t interested in the girl, so picked Hinata since she looked more petite.
Waited about 5-10 minutes then was taken to meet her. Quite disappointing compared to the last girl I had here (an absolute stunner with an amazing body!). Hinata was petite, but looked very Yankee-ish and had a husky voice (too much smoking?). Oh well, I thought I’d give her a go anyway.

She was very bland and mechanical, asking questions as if going through a mental script, and there was no connection of any kind. Went through the wash on sukebe-chair, then onto the bed, BBBJ, cap, mish. Didn’t seem to want to change positions or do much at all. Forced myself to finish then she mechanically washed me, etc.

Was asked on my way out about her, and gave them my honest review (mechanical, not very warm or friendly). Dude apologised and said that she’s had such reviews before (WTF! Why didn’t you tell me before?!). Now, she’s no longer on the roster.
Based on the previous girl I had here ( ... rlid-6814313/?of=y), I’d like to try the shop again, but might be better to save up money for HK…

Recommendation: Yes to shop / No to girl

Recent Ratings
genius4832   31-1-2018 01:32  Karma  +3   Favorable
Dr.A   5-1-2018 03:43  Karma  +7   
s141hk1234   2-1-2018 21:39  Acceptance  +1   thanks
jeffzeke   2-1-2018 11:32  Karma  +5   good info, thanks for sharing!
batman108   2-1-2018 03:07  Karma  +2   Awesome and thanks
blast77   1-1-2018 21:57  Karma  +6   Excellent
shockr   1-1-2018 17:25  Karma  +3   Original
Mister   1-1-2018 14:13  Karma  +4   Do you think your being gaijin was a factor in her attitude?
Carnal Conqueror
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UID 81012
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Registered 19-12-2011
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Post at 1-1-2018 16:33  Profile P.M. 
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Re: Mister

Could be, but like I said, the tout said that she's had bad reviews from other customers, so I assumed it wasn't me. Also, most shops/WGs don't realise I'm not local unless I tell them. Usually if people ask, I just say that I'm nikkei (Japanese but grew up abroad).

Recent Ratings
Mister   1-1-2018 17:47  Karma  +1   Thanks

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