Subject: No HJ in Shenzhen SPA, but had FS in barbershop afterwards
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Post at 30-12-2017 19:22  Profile P.M. 
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No HJ in Shenzhen SPA, but had FS in barbershop afterwards

Yesterday went to LouWu, Shenzhen. Mainly to wander around and for a massage with HJ in a SPA. Saw some great deals advertised like for example  Y109 including 3 hours of massage! See attachement.

But since it would be my first time in Chinese SPA I decided to follow my friend's recommendation and went inside the Pacific Relaxation City.

6 floors (one for KTV seemed not accessable). Cosy tacky decoration. Comfy atmosphere. The male attendants kept whipering how beatiful and young the girls are, and that i could choose. But when I finally went up I was just brought to a room and i was supposed only 1 woman came in (I'm a newbie). Didn't find her attractive at all, probably 40 years old. She wasn't happy I send her away.

I tried to wander around a bit looking for a better one, saw a few women but none my kind. Then was taken to a computer to choose.
I'm probably not into mainlanders much anymore and i was probably expecting too much too. But definitely didn't see any very pretty girl all 3 hours there.

The one I chose didn't look like her photos, and wasn't very friendly, nor was she better looking. I decided not to make more trouble and let her give me an acceptable Japanese oil massage for Y288.

There was not much common language. I tried to touch her but she only accepted a bit. She also stopped me taking off my tight shorts. She didn't come near my LB. I probably could have asked directly but at this point just wanted the massage to end. She played with her phone every now and then too. At the end she gave me a paper with 5 numbers to indicate my tip, minimum choice was 80, and I chose that, but I shouldn't have.

Back in the arm chair a girl was candidly giving a handjob to my neighbor. I don't think she finished him off. And it seemed it wasn't a regular thing you can ask for. There were kids and wives walking around.

Went walking around. Found a good looking streetwalker but she wanted Y 1500. There were pimps showing me pictures too but I didn't trust them. Passed a barbershop, ugly women but did get FS from one for Y200. At least I got my rocks off, and went back to HK

[ Last edited by  Drildick at 30-12-2017 19:38 ]

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Recent Ratings
blast77   31-12-2017 13:22  Karma  +5   
batman108   31-12-2017 12:06  Karma  +2   Awesome and thanks
Mister   30-12-2017 23:19  Karma  +3   Curious why you’ve lost your taste for mainland girls. They form the vast majority of WGs in HK
hotjac   30-12-2017 23:12  Karma  +2   Almost comical - you were so close.
hkpunter999   30-12-2017 22:09  Karma  +4   What an adventure!
NeverWong   30-12-2017 21:17  Acceptance  +3   Cool
1591141   30-12-2017 19:57  Karma  +1   
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 30-12-2017 23:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Drildick's post

Drildick - you really must check out this board more!

There are more young, close-to-stunning, super friendly ladies in Shenzhen, especially Luohu, willing to give you a 1-1.25 hr. massage, b2b with catbath, rimming & bbbj cim for under 330rmb than anyplace in the world that I've been to.

As for the sauna hj's - called thigh massages once in a while it's to completion, if you're a jack rabbit, but usually you go to a separate room and pay way to much to actually get milked. It is common in all the places kids or women aside.

Recent Ratings
mrmellowg   2-1-2018 14:00  Acceptance  +1   hotjac, im gonna be in sz for a week if you can recommend places, pm locations or wechats if you can help a bro out!
Mister   30-12-2017 23:29  Karma  +3   There was some talk here about Luohu spas being filthy compared with those in Futian. Is Siam OK? Any other good ones?

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