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Post at 4-6-2010 01:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 laurence5658's post

'everytime i call her she in drug (ice) in club and accompany client. will say call me back."

Bro, if she is doing drug now, she is on a very slippery slope. That is much worst than working as WG, addiction may drain all her "hard earned" cash and lead her to worst things in life.

Bro, it take a very strong will man to pull such girl out of this fate. If you are not strong, you better stay far away from her, as you may cause your own downfall if you help her.

And if you seriously "love" her and want to help her, I wish you best of luck as you would need it. And you would need plenty of cash, time, patience, tolerance and mostly love to pull this through.
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Post at 4-6-2010 05:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 waikeekee's post

Hi all bros, i will share some detail of my this WL.

yes i know her in geylang ( singapore place to call chicken) i pick her on the day and after the session we exchange phone number. for a start we sms each other thing etc. i will always pick her up after she finish work for supper and some happeningninthe car or buy some home use stuff. after about two month she intend to move out of her rented condo and want to stay with me. so i rented a apartment and live happily for about 8 month before she go back to china. we was like happy couple. and i stop going to call chicken cause i might worry she caught me and she really good in bed to me. at time we do quarrel cause there always her cust call to go supper etc, she will reject and stay with me. i really get more and more putting in feeling for her. the more i love and think, the more i get jealous and angry, but i always tell myself she working she working... noshe  choice no choice....she give up quite alot of time to me. i also give up my parents cause i didnt go home and stay with her. life goes on till one day something bad happen, she have baby and no choice got to go back to china in 2 day time. no conpromise from immigantion and the govt clinic.. we was so sad and cry and cry all the way. i did buy her alot of things like a rolex watch, her make up etc. i can say she quite a heavy oil drinker. she did buy me thing which i like to altought not very ex but is the heart that counts... i send her to airport, my tear just cant stop. i keep telling her maybe going back to china is good for you and is already 1 yrs in sinagpore. miss your parent and children. good thing is going to come by and stop all the suffering in singapore.....

she reach china and was very good gal, we talk and sms almost every day. another 2 more month coming to CNY and i told her i am going to look for her, she was very happy about it and she left her family on CNY didnt bother about her children husband etc to spent time with me in Shen zhen macau and zhu hai..  seeing her in china i was damn happy.. on the day i going to left , is another sad ending and tears and crying not stop at airport..

once i reach sg everything was quite ok... and she tell em she going to start work again being night club etc... we also less contact cause whe i call , she wont pick up, sms also reply very very long. keep saying she busy etc and many thing happen in china.... after which i see sex141 and she tell me she working... oh my god i see her picture and FR report ... i really like go insane and sad seeing her been share by bros here.... i feel so depress,  start to drink and gamble in casino and lost alot of money... i did tell her about it, she didnt really console me and say alot of rubbish. i was in the state like ending my life. really stupid and crazy. we already lost contact for 1 week already. i miss her very very much.

i tell myself i will be good and will try to forget her and wont even want to look or read FR in chinese or english. seeing her live photo, i really going mad mad mad.
time will heal my pain and sorrow. 男人自为钱和感情烦。。。 为了钱和感情,男人可以连命都不要。
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Post at 4-6-2010 11:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 laurence5658's post

You obviously cannot get this WG out of your head. For a start, delete all her sms messages/emails and just destroy pictures of her. Just take it as you've never known this person. This will speed up the healing process.

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Froddo   4-6-2010 22:57  Acceptance  +1   great advice, try to forget and move on.
waikeekee (WKK)
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Post at 4-6-2010 14:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 laurence5658's post

You crazy bastard! Please wake up and forget all about her. I repeat, she is a prostitute, a whore, a working girl, a call girl or what ever term suit you best. Money wasted is besides the point, you can earn it back. But you are wasting your life and time. This is very precious. Once your life and time is gone and wasted, you will regret it forever. Please move on. She is not worth it. I am very sure there are much better whores around to be fed.

By the way, you sound very pathetic and to a certain extent, very stupid. So stop wasting your time and effort chasing a figment of your imagination. She will not come back to you even you give her millions of dollars. All she wants is a free and easy ride so that no other men rides her for a few hundred HKG Dollars.

Last thing, I have just lost ALL respect for you. YOU infilial, unloyal and ungrateful whore monger! How can you just 'Give Up' your parents in an instant? Think about it, without them, you are nothing! Think about it before you say things like that, you asshole! That is why i kept telling people that the younger generation children in Sillypore has EQ but no IQ. Parents work hard, send you to school to get educated. Yes, you are well educated but you lack the quality to be a person. You do not have compassion, no loyalty and no integrity.

[ Last edited by  waikeekee at 4-6-2010 14:35 ]

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Post at 4-6-2010 19:30  Profile P.M. 
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Bros you get me wrong. Give up my parent means I didn't home everyday. Once or twice a week. Bros thank for scolding me. I will wake up one of these day and stop thinking of her.
waikeekee (WKK)
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Post at 4-6-2010 21:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #25 laurence5658's post

Hey! Wake up NOW and immediately, not one of these days. I really mean this instance and this moment to realize the fact and truth that she is merely using you because you show care and showered her with gifts and cash.

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Post at 4-6-2010 22:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 3-6-2010 15:53

Ice is Crack cocaine but the drug of choice in China is ketamine as most of the drug is produced in China.

"ice" is Crystal meth amphetamine, it's called ice because when you apply heat it vaporizes, looks like smoke but is cold to inhale. Ice is cheap and can be manufactured in (dangerous) backyard labs anywhere from source materials available in most countries. The bikie gangs control its manufacture in many western countries.

Crack cocaine is derived by synthesizing down cocaine to its purest form. Also vaporizes under heat and is cold to inhale. Much more expensive than ice, and any cocaine user can make it on their stove top if they know how (using bicarbonate of soda).

Both are highly addictive and commonly associated with other addictions such as compulsive sex. Good road to the dark side, both to be avoided.

Ketamine is the opposite of the above, it's primary medical use is as an anesthetic and analgesic, common in  veterinarian practice. Also a common date rape drug, drink spiking (and yes men get their drinks spiked too). Does give euphoria in small / controlled doses but is easy to overdose, especially when mixed with alcohol.

[ Last edited by  Froddo at 4-6-2010 22:53 ]
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Post at 5-6-2010 00:00  Profile P.M. 
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Ice is a very dirty stuff and the smoke is a killing. Need fire water bottle Foil straw to play with it. Is common use to give more enegry. You won't be tired and sleepy at all.once stop you will be very tired and keep on sleeping. Ice is cheap in china but ex insg. Ice make a person lost control and very high happy. Is very addictive.
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Post at 5-6-2010 06:40  Profile P.M. 
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Would like to chime in. Agreed with bro waikeekee on all of his points, and honestly, if you're going to mess around in this world, better get yourself some street smarts, and keep yourself rational and cool.If you want the gfe, keep it to the session. It's a business transaction, and keep it that way.

I won't say there can never be a happily ever after, but your story, like the story of Meow and Chochet stickied in the Macau forums, show the danger of even seeking it. There are plenty of nice 'regular'girls out in the world, man up, move on.

The fact you were contemplating suicide on this and ditching your parents shows you need to grow up. Your life is never just your own, anyone who cares or has ever cared about you will be hurt by your actions, and that is something no WG is worth.
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Post at 5-6-2010 13:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #24 waikeekee's post

Did you meant to say the younger generation in Singapore have IQ, but no EQ?
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Post at 5-6-2010 13:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #22 laurence5658's post

You sound like a guy who never had a civi gf who gave you sex as good as or better than sex with a wg.  Man..I recommend you forget about this girl and other future wgs and work on getting yourself some real experience with dating civi girls.  Relationships with wgs are 'not' real or ultimately fulfilling!  Some real relationships instead with civi girls will teach you alot of yourself and of the girls and hopefully help mature you.  

Every time you hear girls say "All the good guys are taken or are gay", then those are not the suitable girls to date.  Also stay away from girls who do drugs.  You have to find nice girls who knows good guys are 'made' (trained) by the girls themselves.  

If you keep whining, I will have to ask Waikeekee to fly to Singapore to bitchslap some sense into you.

[ Last edited by  doghead at 5-6-2010 13:56 ]

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geoduck   6-6-2010 11:24  Acceptance  +2   Very True
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Post at 5-6-2010 14:19  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by doghead at 5-6-2010 01:47 PM
Did you meant to say the younger generation in Singapore have IQ, but no EQ?

My bad! Those younger generation Sillyporean really do not have EQ. My nephews for example. They are so timid in the 'real' world but at home, they are so disrespectful of their parents, my brother and my sister-in-law. WTF! I remember when I was much younger, however bad and delinquent I was, I was really a good boy when at home. We can only have a set oif parent but when can get divorce and have many girlfriends , mistress and whatever pussies we want - ONS or Part Time Lover (PTL)

I have seen and heard many Sillypporean falling into the "Love the Whore" trap. There was even an article in the newspaper where a reporter interviewed a whore from China. She even called Sillyporean 'STUPID' and 'Naive'. Sillyporean live in a sheltered society. Especially the newer generation, these young ones have never experienced poverty. A teacher once asked a primary student: "Where does chicken (poultry) comes?"

Here's the kicker!!! The student answered with pride: The Supermarket! OMFG! What has Singapore become?

Men around 20's and near 30's are easily smitten by sweet words coming from those KTV's whore, street walking whores and the whores in Geylang. Too bad, they don't teach you to be street smart in School. I sincerely hope the thread starter will wake up and start anew. Get a life, come to Southern China, I will bring him to punt in SZ, ZH and DG.

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Post at 5-6-2010 15:01  Profile P.M. 
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Bros I am coming to 30. I am quite charming and love by alotof woman. I can say Iam 贱。the good want I am not interested. The bad want I love it. I hAve sex alot and twice a week. Paid or colleague or friend or club. I still can't forget this china meimei. Is me myself can't overcome myself. I am quite a street smart man in term of my work and money wise. But my this Mei Mei is really something that I can't handle cause I been kc 感情by her.  Is really over after listening to my bros and all bros in forum. I will forget her asap and not play qq anymore. Yes you are right china woman always say Singapore all are silly stupid and easy ti cheAt. Alot of case happen here too. My case is consider small. Money given her Also not much. Is that I love her and like to be with her. Yes she is a wl. Not choice got to be one.Next month if possible I will want to go china hong kong zh sz for a shirt trip.  Thank all bros for reading my tread.  I feel alot better after writing out my feel.
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Post at 6-6-2010 11:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 laurence5658's post

If what you say here is true, looks like you have it better than most people. You'll get some perspective and recover in time. That being said, I can imagine it would be quite rage inducing to see an ex gf on the 141 site, esp if you still have feelings for her, then read about other people posting about how they fucked her good. I can't even imagine how that would feel, but again, you knew she was a WG.

Best of luck recovering.
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Post at 6-6-2010 11:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by waikeekee at 5-6-2010 14:19

My bad! Those younger generation Sillyporean really do not have EQ. My nephews for example. They are so timid in the 'real' world but at home, they are so disrespectful of their parents, my brother  ...

I agree. Despite the compulsory military service, the young guys are still wimps. The more well to do ones go to the KTV and pay five times as much for PRC WGs. They should not spoil the PPC WGs for the rest of us. They are also very stubborn and inflexible compared to their HK counterparts. This may be due to their education and they are taught they're No.1 and the best which they certainly aren't. Remember Nazi Germany? They were taught they were the best and had the biggest egos and see where it got them? That said, Singapore is a very successful place and reinvented itself 5 years ago by allowing foreign nationals to live and work more easily in Singapore thus boosting the economy.

In the latest development, it has been reported in Singapore that there's been a new wave of burglaries and suicides since the new casinos have opened. These Singaporeans should know better than to gamble everything away. They're like children that have not seen the world but think they know everything about the world. They feel protected by their MPF program in which everyone thinks one day they would be rich and well taken care off. In HK, the young really have to struggle for a living and through toil and struggle you learn what life is about. Think bro aurence5658 is learning that valuable lesson at this moment.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 6-6-2010 12:13 ]
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Post at 6-6-2010 14:17  Profile P.M. 
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Bros geoduck yes Singapore is  inproving more and more. This two new casino cause alot of ppl destress and money lost. Every one winner there is 1000 loser. Yes alotof commit sucide. Already two case jump from casino hotel. In side casino there alotPrc asking gambler. 要按摩吗。or theywill get close to you if your chip is alot like 10 over k sg dollar in hand. I can see hong kong pros very open in the site.
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Post at 6-6-2010 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 geoduck's post

In Sillypore, it is MANDATORY for their male children to serve National Service AKA Army regardless of their ethnicity. Once they turn 18 years old, they are called to serve unless they are still in pre-U or Polytechnic School, then your National Service will be postponed. Even you are unfit, you are not spared, they will send you to be a clerk or a storeman or sometging non combative vocation. After 2 years of full time National Service, you are still not spared. You are liable to be recalled for reservist - up to 40 days per calendar year. I think the Sillypore Government is worried that Malaysia or Indonesia might one day invade this tiny Island-Nation.

Anyway, about the Casinos. The Government takes a cut of about 42 percent including/after GST (Goods & Service Tax) of the daily Casino's taking. So, in the end, it is still about money. Temasek Holdings has lost Billions of Dollars. Urban myths that the Government is trying to recupperate their losses. Who know? Your guess is as good as mine.

In Sillypore, there are already lots of Gambling like 4-D (3 times a week), TOTO - 2 times a week (same as Mark 6), horse racing 2-3 times a week, soccer bettings (according to the european soccer season and now the World Cup) and the National Lottery (Monthly) which the Singapore Pool controls (also Government owned) collects tons of cash on a weekly basis.

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Post at 6-6-2010 15:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 laurence5658's post

Bro laurence5658;

I am glad that your feel better. Just forget about her. All she wants is money, that's all. Let's just hope this is a lesson for you. Do let me know when you are in my neck of the woods. We shall go to Dong Guan (东管) for more punting.

In Macau it is the same. These PRC WG's will walk around the Casino floors looking for protential Customers. Nothing new.

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Post at 6-6-2010 16:16  Profile P.M. 
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Thank bros wkk. It seems you like know Singapore very well. All the gambling stuff geyland stuff etc etc. Yup I will forget her asap. Won't think of her. Control control my emotion. Yes a painful lesson. Is really hard pain. Reading her fr now. Seeing her been share by bros. Is kind of feeling. Is really very xin ku.
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Post at 6-6-2010 16:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 laurence5658's post

Nothing to be 辛苦 about, Bro!   Move on with our life. Afterall, she a whore who will do anything for a few hundred Hong Kong Dollars.

By the way, how did you find our about her being in sex141 data?


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