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Post at 3-6-2010 02:21  Profile P.M. 
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Love sex money 感情

Hi all bros and sister. I am from Singapore. Will love to share my story. I met a very pretty feminine wl china Mei Mei. To cut short we been togther for 8 month. We are very in love and care for each other. 3 month back she went back to china. Very sad I miss her very much. Now she in china working as pros. I really sallow my pridebeing very jealous about it. The more I think she bed with man. The more I going yo go mad. Life sucks. My advise for all. If you going to call gal. Pls dun follow up or exchage Hp number. It do you no good and only hurt yourself and depress.
China woman all money.  No matter how real they are. At the end of the day is money else why they work as pros. I am really sad. Sorry to say that. Once they have money they buy drug in china. Play gigolo gamble etc. Is reAlly te real fact.
Up till now I still haven awake from my china Mei Mei. Always thinking that she is good no choice etc etc. Any bros exp the same like me.

[ Last edited by  laurence5658 at 3-6-2010 02:27 ]
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Post at 3-6-2010 03:29  Profile P.M. 
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"To cut short we been togther for 8 month." in singapore or in china?
How did she stay in Singapore for beyond the usual 2 week to a month visa for PRC?
Did you visit her in China?
Did she "break up" with you before returning to China?
What did you expect eventually with her?
Are you intending to marry her?
Is she willing to marry you?
She work as WG to earn cash, lot of cash. Are you able to support her?  
Seem to me that the relationship is only one way that is from you.
Bro, if you feeling for her is true and decided to go all the way with her, and you know the she do have true feeling for you,
then what else is stopping you from pursuing her to be your partner in life ,i.e. "wife".

If only the sex and company that you miss, then move on in your life for your own good and her own good.
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Post at 3-6-2010 08:27  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Myworld at 3-6-2010 03:29
"How did she stay in Singapore for beyond the usual 2 week to a month visa for PRC?

In Singapore, most of the WGs, the very good ones are there on student visas. This will entitle them to stay in Singapore up to a year. These so called students work in all the high end clubs such as Tianamen which charge outrageous prices, about double that of the most expensive KTVs in Macau but I have to admit, I've been there several times and the girls are HOT. They pretend to go to school during the day and then work at night.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 3-6-2010 08:47 ]
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Post at 3-6-2010 08:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 laurence5658's post

Bro, I feel for you but then this is what to expect when you meet a PRC WG. They need the money to support their families and want to make as much as possible before they lose their youth. If you had the money you could keep her and stop her from working in the PRC but money should not be the basis for any long term relationship. Just give it up bro and move on. Forget her and take this as a lesson learned.
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Post at 3-6-2010 09:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 geoduck's post

Yes they are SUPER HOT. I've chatted up a couple outside their school and no surprise they invited me to "visit" them at their KTV.
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Post at 3-6-2010 09:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 laurence5658's post

That's the downside of easy sex.  It tricks the mind into believing you've achieved real intimacy.  Sorry it didn't work out.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 3-6-2010 09:52  Profile P.M. 
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Try back in 30 years when she's too old to support herself in this manner, and you two can live happily ever after.
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Post at 3-6-2010 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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I really feel for ya man, but thats what happens if you get too close too fast. Yeah, 8 months is fast! Fi you wanna hold on to her, you gotta give her the financial security she needs. I dont have a girlfriend coz i cant afford her, my punting takes most of my money away.

  So go out and meet more gals, that will take the pain away, and this time, dont fall for them.
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Post at 3-6-2010 11:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Myworld at 3-6-2010 03:29
"To cut short we been togther for 8 month." in singapore or in china?
How did she stay in Singapore for beyond the usual 2 week to a month visa for PRC?
Did you visit her in China?
Did she  ...

I stay with her in singapore for 8 month.
in singapore there two kind of visa, she on yellow visa=licence pros.
Yes after she went back to china last yrs. i did visit her in china for two week.
we didnt break up... we do still contact each other. but over these few month i think she seeing other man. everytime i call her she in drug (ice) in club and accompany client. will say call me back. but no avail. QQ her also no reply. only when she free she will sent me a sms. something like 小老公你好吗。 想你, 有没有乖, 还是和中国妹妹一起?Ishe is marry in 东北 and with a baby. i want to marry her but cant due to alot of problem and my friend family etc.
i do love her alot alot and buy her alot of things.
Bros we been through alot of good and bad thing in sg. after i found out she working in sex141. seeing her picture. i almost fainted and cry out..
damn sad damn depress. kanna this kind of 感情。 i did try to let her go and dun call her anymore. is that i really 爱得死去活来的。
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Post at 3-6-2010 11:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Myworld's post

Originally posted by Myworld at 3-6-2010 03:29
"To cut short we been togther for 8 month." in singapore or in china?
How did she stay in Singapore for beyond the usual 2 week to a month visa for PRC?
Did you visit her in China?
Did she  ...

I stay with her in singapore for 8 month.
in singapore there two kind of visa, she on yellow visa=licence pros.
Yes after she went back to china last yrs. i did visit her in china for two week.
we didnt break up... we do still contact each other. but over these few month i think she seeing other man. everytime i call her she in drug (ice) in club and accompany client. will say call me back. but no avail. QQ her also no reply. only when she free she will sent me a sms. something like 小老公你好吗。 想你, 有没有乖, 还是和中国妹妹一起?Ishe is marry in 东北 and with a baby. i want to marry her but cant due to alot of problem and my friend family etc.
i do love her alot alot and buy her alot of things.
Bros we been through alot of good and bad thing in sg. afterwhich i found out she working in sex141 seeing her picture. i almost fainted and cry out..
there few live photo of her and bros writing about her.... wow i really like going to die. she quite 红牌 in Tst. now she going to hong kong once a month or 2...
damn sad damn depress. kanna this kind of 感情。 i did try to let her go and dun call her anymore. is that i really 爱得死去活来的。

[ Last edited by  laurence5658 at 3-6-2010 12:01 ]
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Post at 3-6-2010 12:09  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 3-6-2010 08:46
Bro, I feel for you but then this is what to expect when you meet a PRC WG. They need the money to support their families and want to make as much as possible before they lose their youth. If you had  ...

Bros yes they need money to support thier family, china mei mei always open leg earn money buy drug buy bag play gigolo...sad la
really sad... when in sg, when she finish work, she will come bact to out rented condo apartment. sometime client call ask her to over night etc. i like really angry and sallow my pride. we do fight alot and quarrel alot over this 8 9 month in singapore. i really want to let go of her and start to go on and be the usual me. playing PRC going club etc etc

do you ppl in hk encounter the same when going or find prc WL.
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Post at 3-6-2010 13:48  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by laurence5658 at 3-6-2010 12:09

you ppl in hk encounter the same when going or find prc WL....

Your story is not new. It happens all the time in HK, punters falling for PRC WGs which result in heartache and total disaster. Just give it a rest and not dwell on it any further. Perhaps she was never a good girl or she just hung out with some nasty WGs who turned her onto ice or could also be the new BF insists she takes it to enhance their ML session. Who knows and you shouldn't bother to find out. Just keep your distance but emotions are a difficult thing to control, that I understand.
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Post at 3-6-2010 14:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 geoduck's post

Thank ah bros... yes she was never a good gal, in sg already playing ice.. reason say ice keep her more engrgy to work and inmuse herself to work... in sg there alot of ppl also same like me, with prc till no money, sell stock till really very dry up. life goes on bros... waht i can say in hk your sex141 site is really good. FR also got live picture to see. the PRC allow client to take live photo even nude photo? or is it in the package. taking photo is a must?.
in sg we pay $150 per session with PRC WL. no photo taking, FR also cannot post pic only work etc.
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Post at 3-6-2010 14:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 laurence5658's post

I'm sure you can take picture of the PRC WGs in Singapore as well. Just use your charm. In fact, you can make this your pet project and forget about your GF. You can start reporting and posting the pictures on 141. Just a suggestion to get your mind of your WG GF.
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Post at 3-6-2010 15:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 JckJr's post

I am surprised you were not interrogated by police for loitering near school grounds.  They could have suspected you of being a perv.  
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Post at 3-6-2010 15:39  Profile P.M. 
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What exactly is ice? Crack cocaine?

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Post at 3-6-2010 15:53  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by joblow at 3-6-2010 15:39
What exactly is ice? Crack cocaine?

Ice is Crack cocaine but the drug of choice in China is ketamine as most of the drug is produced in China.
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Post at 3-6-2010 16:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 3-6-2010 15:53

Ice is Crack cocaine but the drug of choice in China is ketamine as most of the drug is produced in China.

ice is like small piece of ice cube. need instrument to play. water bottle straw etc. is cheap in china.
we can take photo of WL or FL but cannot post on internet. last week there poilce catching. i am so worry that she might be arrested. but lucky nothing happen to her.
i will like to ask they can go in hong kong to work then go back china awhile then go in hk again. the immigration dun stop them or ask why every 2 week in out hk or macau?
how much the PRC WL earn in hotel? 800 they 6 4 share or 5 5 share?

next month i will go hk for a short holiday, most likely will meet her at macau then go china. .

any bros here want to share thier story with PRC WL? thank

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Post at 3-6-2010 16:35  Profile P.M. 
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you're not the first one to experience this as its pretty common. Sex is an intimate act its not unusual for either partner to think there is something "more". Espcially for the lonely guys out there, I am a prime example of this. Sometimes I wanted something more than sex. Someone who i care for and cares for me. Ive had experience with this, i thought about repeating as the chemistry was really good and hoping if i repeat, maybe something more great will end up happening. But you gotta ween yourself not going down this path. When was the last time a monger and a wg ended up getting together and live happily ever after. Very rare and you know it. Of course everyone dream of themselves as an expection, but you know thats just a dream and not reality. Before the emotions gets too deep, quickly pick up phone and book an appointment with a new girl.

[ Last edited by  uwotextbook at 3-6-2010 16:39 ]
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Post at 3-6-2010 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 laurence5658's post

It is sad to hear your predicament but I am not sorry nor surprise at all. These PRC WG's go to Singapore to make money. That is all to it. They are trying to use the shorest time they have to make the most money they could. If you tell them you like or love them, you will be in big trouble. I have seen families being broken up, people going bankrupt/broke and kinship turned to a feud. Some even had their retirement fund sucked dried by these "Hot Babe" plying their trade in KTV's, PUB's and Whorehouses (Geylang). Sometimes, you even wonder, who is the 'Real' predator and prey.

IMO - You are in this state because you are naive and gullible. I am sure such cases/matters is not only isolated to Singapore. I am sure, there are many similar cases in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand and where ever there is a healthy Chinese Community. However, you are a brave person to have admitted your mistake and hopefully, you will move on and forget about her.

I said you are naive, why? How did you get to know her? Did you meet through a mutual friend at a cocktail party?   No! I presumed! You went to Geylang Lorong's to look for commercial sex because you were horny and lusty, picked her out of a line-up's of whores. You knew she is a prostitute and you had fallen for her, WHY? Why did you fall for you? You can't blame anyone but yourself.

Look! There are even newspaper articles being published about yours and such things happening in Sillypore. Sometimes, I blame the Government for taking "Too Much" care of Sillyporean. Affleunt and well educated Sillyporean they may be, Sillyporean are too soft and not used to the pragmatism or the realism of life in China, especially the new generation of the eighties borned, life is Sillypore is easy compared to her neighbouring Countries. Like I said, you have yourself to blame. Stop complaining and move on. Once you tell yourself you loved her, it is the beginning of countless sad events. She will bleed you dry and cause you to have sleepless nights. Not only that, you will not be able to concentrate on work and there goes your job and career.

I have heard many stories about these Dragon Ladies (小龙女). They are substantially stronger mentally than most people from a more developed Country like Sillypore, Malaysia and in Hong Kong. They will endeavour/fight to the last and their determination is unquestionable. Importantly, most of them are shameless. All they want is cash and material goods. Integrity and pride is last on their mind. They travel aboard to make money. Not for Holiday or to visit you. Just to make lots of Cash in order to start a better life in their native land. With the money made, they will start a small business and buy lands and houses (the smarter ones) some will go back to square and like you said, take drugs and have gigolos.

My advice - Man-To-Man: Please forget about her and move on. Your life will be much better without her. Afterall, she is just a Whore!

I am quoting our famous 'Ah Sam' - please take a good look!

3 Simple rules for Whoremongers.

1. All you need to know about any whore is how to contact her if you want a professional fuck. No other personal details should be sought. If they volunteer to tell you their life stories, tell them you are NOT interested.

2. There should be NO contact with whores beyond their professional capacity.

3. Whores are for fucking and that's it. They are NOT for loving or marrying. They are NOT dinner dates or persons you exchanging inane SMS messages with. They are NOT there for companionship or friendly chit chat after a fuck. Just fuck them, pay them and leave them.


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