Kinky King
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Post at 10-6-2010 09:19  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by timewaster at 9-6-2010 05:58
are they machine washable?

this question needs to be answered... wouldn't wanna place my dick in sticky / crusty goop haha

yeh, the dolls seem freaking awesome and i would accept as a gift but i could never see myself buying one or having one around the house.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 10-6-2010 10:20  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 9-6-2010 11:30
If you want a Sora Aoi, I'm sure you can talk to the manufacturer. It will probably cost you HK$30,000 to get a special mold of her face and body shape. Anything can done for a price.

Thanks a lot for your information.
I am just curious if they can earn enough money from making these dolls.
It's SO expensive and the target market is not big.
How many units can be sold each year in order to earn a reasonable profit?

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