China was a bust. I was in Taishan where I think I was the only white face that some locals had seen. Too scary for them to talk to me. Unfortunatley I spent most of my time with my suppliers so didn't have much chance. Had a foot massage whilst watching Portegul smash North Korea 7 zip.
Taipei was not bad, but alas my usual WG [Tin TIn] has retired and I ended up trying to break in a new one. Two shots on goal [more then the Aussies in South Africa] with one CIM and one finishing up in cowgirl after missionary and doggie saw me finished for the night. Laid out $4,000 tiawanese new dollars for some good gfe. Some LFK and DFK and great eye contact when giving BBBJ. So here in HK for slamming some local pussy.
If anyone has any recommendations, let me know, but let me know quick because I wont be here long [much like the Soccaroos in South Africa]