Lustful Lord
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Post at 25-2-2024 20:53  Profile P.M. 
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Thailand Holiday

Just a heads up, many, MANY places closed due to Buddha holiday, from yesterday until 26th, back to normal on 27th. Entire Nana Plaza was closed. Only 2 places in Soi Cowboy opened (Baccara and Susie Wongs, Bac was completely packed!!!) Wood Bar also closed along with many local eateries. Good time to replen your energy all!
Lustful Lord
Rank: 4

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Registered 13-2-2023
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Post at 26-2-2024 20:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 NewHorizon's post

I just returned from Pattaya.  It is cheaper than BKK.   The supply is amazing!  Mark that on your calendar travel around the holidays or use FIWFAns or ThaiFriendly.  Walking street in Pattaya quality has died down.  The Walking st bars could not keep up paying high salaries to lure top models.  

That bullshhee t 2hr short time barfine is killing them.  My wallet got a sense of satisfaction avoiding overpriced bars.  

Pattaya is world’s largest adult playground.  So many good options.  Unless some knows a bigger City then speak up.

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