Subject: Quicky in Shenzhen
rwong (EpicPunts)
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Post at 23-5-2018 15:04  Profile P.M. 
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Quicky in Shenzhen

Quicky in shenzhen  
Date:  May 21 2018
Time: 04:00am
Location:  Towards West Village
Name:  Unknown
Age:  20
Price:  200RMB

Went there after partying at the club near by.  The selection was very small. There was only couple (around 5) in the alleys.
Walked around and checked out what was standing there. There was one that caught my eyes. Very young looking and MCOT.
Asked the price first and then followed her up to those small apartments. Apartment is always the same. Nothing fancy.
No shower but only wet wipes to wipe my nipples.
Got naked and both jumped in the bed.
1. Nipple licking and then CBJ all done in 5 minutes.
2. CG for good 2 minutes and then Mish to finish the deed.
Put my clothes back on and paid and left.
There are nothing there for you to ride home about. Its just a quicky. But the donut I got was actually pretty good. Very young and very fresh.
If you are near there around that time you can go check it out.
Make sure:::
Do not bring anything expensive with you.
Do not pay anything over 200RMB because the normal price is always 200. Dont get upsell
If any bros need the exact location please search the forum for previous posts and im sure you will be able to find it.

Recent Ratings
hotjac   4-6-2018 08:28  Karma  +3   now I want to be an ally lurker ;)
Petay_1283   28-5-2018 17:47  Karma  +8   
blast77   27-5-2018 12:50  Karma  +7   Old school style
jeffzeke   26-5-2018 14:04  Karma  +8   thanks
UncleDad   26-5-2018 03:09  Karma  +5   Thanks for report
stinkyfeet   26-5-2018 00:58  Acceptance  +8   
twelve98   24-5-2018 11:28  Karma  +4   Excellent
agamemnon33   24-5-2018 07:52  Karma  +3   appreciate the update
batman108   24-5-2018 00:32  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
obe   23-5-2018 20:29  Karma  +10   Good to see a report on this area
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Post at 26-5-2018 00:24  Profile P.M. 
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Went there a couple of weeks back and there wasn't anything happening in the alleys. There was one older woman I walked past though who waved me to go in for a massage, but declined. Will head back again in a few days to try my luck.

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