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Post at 5-7-2010 00:17  Profile P.M. 
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Brock Lesner

He's back! what a great fight last night.
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Post at 5-7-2010 00:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 speedracer's post

Yeah surprised he survived the first round.
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Post at 5-7-2010 07:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 flinger's post

he just proved how tough he was. anyone else would have been out cold with all that pounding
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Post at 5-7-2010 08:35  Profile P.M. 
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Actually, the whole card was great...saw it in Orange County, Little Saigon at a VN Cafe. If you don't know the VN cafe deal, they feature all televised sports, free Wi-fi, excellent coffee, iced or hot, and waitresses who are young, nubile, and mostly naked. Was thinking about writing a thread about them, but there's like no action in there, and if I can't fuck them, I'm not interested. You can search on YouTube to see what they're like, there are a few hidden camera videos.

Basically, Brock waited for Carwin to punch himself out, which he had mostly done by the end of R1, then take him down and work to submit him. I give props to the ref for not stopping it. Good judgment there, I think anyone else except the champ gets TKO'd there. It's goon hurt Brock to even blink for nthe next week or so .

As good as Lesnar-Carwin was, Leben-Akiyama had to be the FOTN.

mma-core.com usually get bootlegged replays of the fights if you didn't see the fights and want to.
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Post at 5-7-2010 09:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 paladin310's post

yeah Leben-Akiyama was good!!!

you know anywhere I can pick up MMA shirts in Vegas bro? the only Affliction store I see is at the Hard Rock in Vegas, and Affliction aint cheap.

VN Cafe info is good bro. thanks!
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Post at 5-7-2010 10:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 DaBestHK's post

MMA shirts dude, I'm 50yo, you think I'm gonna be running around in a $50 T-shirt with some random pattern of skulls on it? What kind of guy do you think I am ?

I take it you Googled "MMA T-shirts" and didn't like what you saw. This website looks ok, though...http://www.mmawarehouse.com/ as for buying stuff at Hard Rock, the play there is to gamble and get a gift shop comp from your host, if you play a decent amount (like $50/hand at BJ, or maybe some $1 video poker or slots). I'd never buy anything there. I mean, you buy at the event or at a hotel gift shop, you're paying the maximum price. It's like me going to Macau and not researching 141 to know what the best deal is for me (Spa, package, etc).

Let me pimp a couple of VN cafes...the two "giants" are Luu and Di Vang 2; Miss Cutie and Miss Saigon are popular too, as well as my current hangout, Starz. Plenty in SJC too, but it's mostly a VN deal up there. OC is more multicultural. The SJC cafes, most of them were takeout in the '90s, until the cops put an end to it, all legit now. Maybe some time down the line I'll post about them, but it's like what's the point?

I've been watching MMA since UFC 1, when there were no weight classes and no rules, and long before Zuffa (the Fertitta brothers, Stations Casinos) bought the company. A guy I knew who actually went to Royce Gracie's dojo used to hold dinner parties on fight night, Royce and another Gracie or two was usually there. I like Royce.

I liked the PRIDE rules and promo better, better fighters, more balanced set of rules within the various disciplines, but apparently the business model was messed up. I mean, Japan has been doing vale tudo for a zillion years.
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Post at 5-7-2010 10:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 DaBestHK's post

i agree with dabest

he just proved how tough he was. anyone else would have been out cold with all that pounding

i would like to see a rematch

i wonder how carwin would approach the fight

can the man beat brock in a fight that would go more than one round?
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Post at 5-7-2010 11:07  Profile P.M. 
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Brock has a chin, I'll give him that.

Carwin running out of steam kinda sucks though. Looks like he has to work on his conditioning a bit more. You can't fault him for going for the kill, but the fact he did tire out is an issue.

I'm all for rematch, see if Brock avoids getting tagged like he did the first round, and if Carwin actually paces himself.
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Post at 5-7-2010 11:14  Profile P.M. 
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i didn't get a chance to watch it, but heard about it from my friends and saw highlights espn. damn he took a good pounding during the first and the ref could of easily called it. after that i guess the guy was all tired from throwing all them punches and brock surprised him with a burst of energy to put him into a hold and had him tap out. brocks face looked so messed up tho, that guy can take a good beating.
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Post at 5-7-2010 11:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 cpstunnaz's post

Yup, if the ref had called it, you probably couldn't have fault him. But obviously he made the right decision not to call it, as Brock was able to get up later in the first round after that barrage. Funny thing is that the fury of punches probably took more out of Carwin than it did Brock
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Post at 5-7-2010 11:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 flinger's post

Problem is, as any MMA commentator will tell you, you go 280 with all that mass, you're going to gas pretty quickly, even with good cardio. Just too much muscle mass that needs oxygen. What did Carwin hit him with, 53 shots? But Carwin had Brock on his back and should have beat him, it's that simple. Carwin also has to know he has to take him out right there or he's likely in trouble. Maybe 20/20 hindsight, but the better strategy would have been to try to submit Brock instead of the KO and make him at least work instead of "rest".

While both are wrestlers, Brock's pedigree is better. Although it's not happening any time soon, if ever, the only guy who could probably beat Brock might be Fedor, and the longer this goes on, the more such a fight would favor Brock (younger and fighting better qualty opponents). Fedor's problem (besides having the Mafiya as his management) is that he's fighting claimers, guys really beneath him. He lost to Werdum because he lost his focus. He thought this would be another 90 second fight, and left his brain behind in the locker room.

I don't see Cain or JDS beating Brock either, but it might be a little more interesting than you might think. Better to have one in an elimination match with Carwin.
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Post at 5-7-2010 11:40  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah hindsight is 20/20. The shots didn't do the job this time, when they did in the others. Carwin could've tried a mount, getting a bit of breather but still making Brock work, with Carwin using his weight on top. Its just Carwin never lost before, and the knockout power has always done the job.

I'd be interested if Carwin would go with another strategy, now that he knows Brock can take licking and keep in ticking.

What's good about the heavyweight division is that there are good fighters which will make it competitive, even if Brock is a clear favourite.
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Post at 5-7-2010 12:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 paladin310's post

I've heard of these places, there were stories about them sometime ago. From watching the videos, almost all of the waitresses there are Vietnamese; most, maybe all of them are American born, good looking, and have nice bodies.


http://www.usatoday.com/money/in ... 02-vietcoffee_N.htm

By William M. Welch, USA TODAY

GARDEN GROVE, Calif. — Even as Starbucks shutters stores, some coffee shops in Southern California's Little Saigon are booming with a formula that seems to defy recession.
They are serving up strong Vietnamese brew, delivered to tables by young women in bikinis, spandex, fishnet sarongs or lingerie, displaying bountiful skin and cleavage.

Lots and lots of cleavage.

"I think it's kind of like Starbucks meets Hooters," says Tina Nguyen, 19, a waitress at Café Lu, who was exposing a bare midriff between tight Lakers jersey and black micro-mini tube skirt.

Like all the six to eight servers on duty at any time, she was teetering on 6-inch platform, stiletto-heeled shoes of clear plastic. She paused to chat and laugh with customers as she delivered $5 servings of thick, sweet iced coffee and refilled bottomless glasses of weak iced tea.

Customers are overwhelmingly male and largely Vietnamese Americans, although men of all ethnicities find their way into Café Lu or one of its many nearby competitors. Ten large TVs line the walls, tuned to sports and cable news. Customers such as James La play Chinese checkers and talk with friends at 40 or more tables.

"It's kind of like a bikini bar, almost," says La, 36, a recent medical school graduate. "It's unique. I don't think other cultures have this."

Indeed, while risqué coffee shops have been tried elsewhere, and bars that display ample amounts of the female form are commonplace, the mixture of eye candy and coffee seems to have taken hold like nowhere else here in the nation's largest Vietnamese community.

Natalie Nguyen, 36, owner of Café Lu, says the concept has been popular for more than two decades in an area that became a magnet for Vietnamese refugees after the fall of Saigon in 1975.

In recent times, she says, more competitors have opened. She estimates there are 50 to 60 such places in this area of Orange County outside Los Angeles. Like her competitors, Nguyen's café doesn't serve alcohol or food.

Nguyen (pronounced WIN) is a common name in the Vietnamese community. Five of six waitresses at Café Lu one day shared the surname but were not related.

Love of coffee is something Vietnamese immigrants brought with them, the owner says, as is entrepreneurial zeal. Nguyen arrived in the U.S. at 16 and at 17 was a coffee waitress. By 18, she opened her own shop.

Some may find the concept offensive, servers acknowledge. Some women haven't told their parents exactly what their job is.

"I was scared at first to tell them," says Natalie Tran, 21, who has been a server for three years. "Most Vietnamese parents are kind of strict."

Police have not detected any funny business. Police departments in three cities with jurisdiction over parts of Little Saigon — Westminster, Santa Ana and Garden Grove— say the coffee shops aren't a big source of concern or complaints, though gang fights and gambling arrests were seen years ago.

"Overall, ours (coffee shops) are very low on our radar as far as a concern," Westminster Police Sgt. Dan Schoonmaker says.

Daniel Nguyen, pastor at Calvary Chapel Living Water of Little Saigon church, says he doesn't like the shops but says the community is OK with them because they make money.

"I feel sorry for them, that they feel they have to do what they do." he says. "I think it's very inappropriate."

Hoa-Nhien Vu, who publishes a Little Saigon blog, Bolsavik.com, (a word play on Bolsa Avenue, the main street in the community) says an almost Victorian prudishness in the older generation of Vietnamese Americans is coupled with a tolerant, boys-will-be-boys attitude toward businesses.

"I've met people who wouldn't go to those shops, but I don't think I've met anyone who is so offended they want the places closed down," Vu says.

At Café Di Vang II, manager Dan Nguyen (also not related) says the shops offer an enjoyable experience at a cheap price. Even laced with milk and sugar, the coffee is so strong no one can drink more than two, he says, and a $5 or $10 bill, plus tip, is a bargain for an hour or two of ogling.

In a patio corner, Beverly Hills producer John Wilson and Darko Ostojic, a Croatian-born actor and producer, were holding a business meeting about a film they are producing about vampires in 3-D.

"Not only do they look great, they are so nice," Wilson says of the servers.

At Starbucks a few blocks up Euclid Street, the scene is different. Manager Ann Hsu says her store is on a list of shops the corporate office may close. But she doesn't see the cafés as competition.

"It's a different clientele," says Hsu, 29. "You don't go there for the coffee. You definitely go there for something else."

While Starbucks' baristas get a few bills and change in a jar on the counter, customers at Café Lu may tip $5 or more, says customer Sonny Tran, 35, who brings a laptop computer and works afternoons from the café.

"They're really generous," Tina Nguyen says of customers.

Waitresses say they rarely get an inappropriate touch or proposition and laugh off customers who assume too much.

"All we serve is coffee," Nguyen says. "It's not a brothel. Guys here know their limits."


http://www.myfoxla.com/dpp/news/ ... mese_Cafes_20090526

Sexy New Vietnamese Cafes
It's service with a smile, bikini and high heels.
Updated: Monday, 24 May 2010, 4:02 PM PDT
Published : Tuesday, 26 May 2009, 11:25 PM PDT

Al Naipo
Posted by: Scott Coppersmith

Garden Grove (myFOXla.com) - Some Vietnamese coffee houses in Orange County are brewing up something different.

No, it's not a new tea or coffee blend. It's the waitresses... who wear a uniform consisting of little more than a bikini with high heels.

Cafe Di Vang 2 in Garden Grove is one of a growing number of local Vietnamese coffee houses where the waitresses wear the revealing outfits.

According to one waitress there who spoke with FOX 11's Al Naipo in his video report, the place is more like an "Asian Hooters for coffee."

Hot beverages and smoothies... that's pretty much all they've got. There's no food, but the the waitresses will take time to sit and chat with the customers.

"We talk to you," says one of the waitresses. "(We) ask you how your day going. Care for you as a friend, too."

It's all about friendly service and making the customer feel at home... a place where they can watch tv, play cards or a board game, and just hang out.

The servers tell us they're ok with wearing very little and also that they rarely get customers who want more than what's on the limited menu.

"How they treat the customer is very respectful and nice," says owner, Dan Nguyen. "I don't have any problem at all."

By the way, if you're wondering what prices are like at Cafe Di Vang 2, here are a couple of examples... the coffee's $4.50 and the smoothies are $6.00.

Not a bad price to pay for the priceless service!


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Post at 5-7-2010 13:31  Profile P.M. 
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Lesnar's a beast when he's on top. Striking could use some work, he also needs to work on his guard when he's on the bottom. His guard is open and allowed Carwin too much separation. It was so disheartening to see sexyama lose, he really needs to cut to 170, he's way too undersized for the 185 division.
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Post at 5-7-2010 13:36  Profile P.M. 
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Brock Lesnar: Bringing back the Rope-a-dope.
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Post at 5-7-2010 18:45  Profile P.M. 
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I just watched the replay and man, that hurt just watching the brutal first round.  I agree, any other fight and no one would have criticized the referee if the fight had been stopped with a couple of minutes left in the first round.  That armbar by Lesnar was just pure power, it looked like Carwin wasn't in bad position to get out of it but once Lesnar got more body leverage the game was over.
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Post at 5-7-2010 18:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 paladin310's post

well i didnt know you were 50 man

i've been to mmawarehouse before, although i want to try on the shirts first so i'll know my size, that's why I didnt order online
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Post at 5-7-2010 23:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 JeSun's post

I agree that Brock is definitely a monster, just so much pure power/strength.

I'm just more interested in how Carwin will deal with his first loss. He said he fell down the mountain, but will be back for more. He does MMA as almost a PT hobby or something. Some people find it insulting that a PT fighter could dominate the way he did previously. I wonder if he dedicates more time to this sport, i.e. FT athlete, lose the day job and keep everything else the same? He can go back to being an engineer any day after his age catches up with him. I would really like to see what Carwin can do by solely dedicating himself to this sport.
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Post at 6-7-2010 07:47  Profile P.M. 
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he's probably the scariest fighter.  would not want to mess with him.  i heard at 300 lbs. he could still do backflips.
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Post at 6-7-2010 11:01  Profile P.M. 
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brock is a beast.. i seen a episode of his work out and i got to say.. its insane. crazy cardios, ton weights lift,
but its funny to see him drive off in his little old red Hyundai.

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