Originally posted by liberty8 at 17-7-2010 16:37
For me the GFE is missing the crucial important factor here. namely that its a sure thing and will teach you next to nothing about getting a girl into bed, merely the mechanics of it
Your point is generally sound, as to me the key factor is that
this is ultimately a pay-for-service transaction, where the girl
is motivated by few/none of the qualities of the punter other
than the contents of his wallet, so although punting may fulfil
certain needs and provide certain pleasures, it can never offer
the same thrill and excitement as "getting a girl into bed."
But I must disagree that GFE is a "sure thing." I have had
WGs that have ranged from 0/5 to 5/5 on the GFE scale.
Some of the best professionals are friendly and try to make
you feel at ease but withhold any semblance of intimacy
and limit access to their body, let alone their mind.
When by charm, caring or technique, you succeed in
breaching that barrier, the GFE that can result is much
more satisfying than if it were put on as part of the WG's
toolkit, like her makeup. It does take effort, though,
and more often than not, you don't get anywhere.
To specifically address OP's
cri de coeur, my experience
with a Korean WG similar to those he exclusively frequents
bears out what has often been reported on this forum.
She provided decent, friendly service but no GFE
whatsoever. It was all fairly mechanical and there were
restrictions on touching, kissing etc. I can see how a
steady diet of that can eventually be deeply unsatisfying
and land him in the quandary he has found himself in.
Rx: Punt with young PRC girls in HK and take the time
to get to know some local girls in Canada and woo them.
Sometimes the hunt can be fun even if you bag no prey
at the end of the day, and practice builds confidence.