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Post at 15-7-2010 16:58  Profile P.M. 
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Met a girl/WG. unexpected results

Well its been 4 days, thought i'd share some of the experience so far. I read a lot in the forums and so had a good idea of what to expect. Even though its new to me, my plan was just go for it as if id one it a million times before. Thought i'd try LKF for drinks and then after a bit of dutch courage, head over to Wanchai

where i promply met a really pretty girl,

Anyways chatting etc, tuns out she's a working girl (outcall) and that she is just out in her spare time between calls. Dig a little deeper and discover that its relatively quiet work wise and that she probably gets around 1-2 calls a day, sometime none, and that leaves her with a hell of a lot of free time in a city she doesnt know and where nearly everyone speaks a language she doesn understand.

Well what could i do but to offer to keep her company when she's bored! i make it clear im not 'employing' her and theres nothin expected. just 2 people stuck in a city alone, chilling wth each other. Amazingly she thinks its a great idea. So for the last 4 days between my commitments and hers we have been doing just that.

Now don't know if its just the mentality of being half thai and them feeling the need to keep a man happy

(i fully admit to this being just a theory based ono previous experience whatsoever)

but the nothing expected thing soon disappeared and we ended up in bed pretty much straight away. When i had an appointment a few hours later, we both left my room together, she never asked for and i didnt offer her any money (except for taxi money)

Didnt know if i'd see her again, but sure enough she did call later that evening and has spent most nights here with me. Now this is a very, very sexy girl. one that i'm realistic enough to know is a bit of out of my league ordinarily. but strange times make for strange bedfellows (i don't know if that
s a saying, but if it isnt it should be, please let it be noted that I made it up)

Have got to know this girl pretty well now, In between bouts, theres been time for a lot of chats about anything and everything. she's smart, chatty and open minded. has sugessted that we could bing in another girl to join us but don't know if it was a test so haven as yet taken her up on it, why rock the boat too soon but of course plan too nearer to the time i leave and will write up an update should anything materialise.

Anyhow, she just left a little while ago and i have a hangover from hell an so i thought id reflect a little on here for you guys. things have been playing on my mind. Of course she told me about the ubiquitous family she supports when she works and he sister she wants to be able to study etc, i normally pride myself on being able to spot the truth, but as cliched as it sounds as i write it here, the whole thing just rang true. it wasnt said to elicit a reaction, but just very matter of fact as if its pretty common 'back home'

My dilemma is this. even though im enjoying the hell out of it, we all love freebies right, and feeing this 19 year old firm body sliding beneath the sheets wih me is probably the best freebie i've had for a while (engaged back home, please dont judge)

Also would like to point out that i havent been spending on things like dinner (its usually night till morning) so it really has been free in very sense.

As i get closer to the time when i will leave. I've been thinking i should give her a parting 'gift' of something as a token of my estem. i'm not stupid, i know this city is overpriced in many ways and that given the choice, she'd more than likely have chosen to keep the money and save it to take home. But what do i do? Do i get her something anyway, or do i give her money? is so how much. true we went into everything willingly together but i cant help but shake off this nagging feeling i could be helping her, and that she has saved me a fortune in fees the last few days.

Im most likely going write her a card and give it to her to open after i leave, with something slipped in. What do you think is right? (at this point she'll have spent a week with me)

Or should i just not bother...?

Appreciate your thoughts guys.
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Post at 15-7-2010 17:57  Profile P.M. 
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Cash, plain and simple. How much? That's up to you.
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Post at 15-7-2010 19:29  Profile P.M. 
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Do what you feel is right man. If you feel it's easier and better to give cash do that. If you feel like you know something she'll like and isn't going to cost you a bundle go for that.

Otherwise see if she expects anything and if not why bother unless you'll feel guilty with not giving her anything
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Post at 15-7-2010 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 liberty8's post

Two comments

1. judging by results, you're underestimating yourself: she quite definitely is NOT out of your league - you attracted her, you bedded her, and she's very happy with what she's getting.  You did it, stop pretending you're not up to it.  You are.  Obviously.

2. sure, get her a gift.  Doesn't have to be expensive, just something personal - best if you can remember something she told you about herself, and make it reflect that.  

Just coz you're posting on a whoring forum doesn't make her your whore.  
Just coz she charges other guys for her time doesn't mean you have to cheapen your FWB fling with cash.  

She's a girl, and it's a nice NSA holiday fling for both of you.  

Why not buy her a really nice gift, and disguise it by wrapping it up in a much cheaper gift, so she only discovers after you've gone?  

Then you can go and get married, with a good memory locked away for rainy days.

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TheButler   17-7-2010 02:00  Acceptance  +10   right on.

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Post at 15-7-2010 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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the truth is that even though ive been mentally high fiving myself over it i do feel a bit guilty about it.
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Post at 15-7-2010 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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If you are keen to get her something then tell her that, 'I would like to buy you a gift before I go'. see what the response is.

Giving her cash will put you straight back in the the WG/John position. This can be fine if this is the last time you see her.
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Post at 15-7-2010 23:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 liberty8's post

Bro DArtagnan is correct. Treat this girl with respect and get her a nice gift but at the end of the day, she's come to make money and leaving her some cash would ease her burden. HK's a very expensive city and the apart from sending the cash back home, it will always come in handy in a city like HK.

Incidentally, did you say she was half Thai or is she Thai?
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Post at 15-7-2010 23:22  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by DArtagnan at 15-7-2010 22:53
Two comments

1. judging by results, you're underestimating yourself: she quite definitely is NOT out of your league - you attracted her, you bedded her, and she's very happy with what she's getting. ...

Thanks for the vote of confidence! i wasnt being self deprecating,i meant if i was back home, girls of that 'level' are much more concerned with looks and wealth (generalising of course), but life is different over here i guess. Think i will take your idea of a nice present. The fact that i thought about a envelope with cash suggests that im not actually that comfortable with the thought of giving her cash (im not anti whoring, just doesnt seem appropiate in this case), you came up with a nice compromise.  i'm thinking something nice but sellable at a push, thay way the next time i meet her. if she kept it. ill really know it was because we clicked.
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Post at 15-7-2010 23:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by geoduck at 15-7-2010 23:06
Bro DArtagnan is correct. Treat this girl with respect and get her a nice gift but at the end of the day, she's come to make money and leaving her some cash would ease her burden. HK's a very expensiv ...

It was the first thing that caught my eye, she was the lightest and 'exotic' looking of her friends. to me it was pretty plain to see, confirmed later when spoke about family. I mean she's tha to all intents and purposes born and raised in Thailand, just that her biological dad just happened to be european. Always had soft spot for pretty  half caste girls, (apologies if this is a politically incorrect term) they seem to inherit the bestof both worlds
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Post at 16-7-2010 00:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 liberty8's post

Echo the comments about a gift being more appropriate than cash in this situation. You enjoyed her company, she enjoyed yours with no expectation of a financial transaction. This was nice fling for both of you, don't demean it by coldly giving cash.
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Post at 16-7-2010 01:28  Profile P.M. 
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Give her a gift + some cash, you get the best of both worlds
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Post at 16-7-2010 01:28  Profile P.M. 
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I agree with Dartagan.  I would just avoid the cash & get a gift with meaning since you implied there was quality time speant.  WG are people too.  Giving hard cash implies she is only a hooker to you.
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Post at 16-7-2010 03:36  Profile P.M. 
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sound like you had a great experience,that's not something i hear about to much. if i were you i wouldn't give her any cash cause that's kind of like a slap in the face like she just spent all this time with you and you only think of her as a whore so you gave her money. most of the time when i give gifts to girls its not about how pricey the gift is, but how much thought you put into it because it makes her feel appreciated and that you actually took the time and effort to consider what she would like.
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Post at 16-7-2010 06:57  Profile P.M. 
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A gift could be nice... but don't play with her feelings.
I don't see how giving cash would degrade her, as long as you communicate properly. I would offer her the option of buying a gift or giving her cash. Seems like you've been pretty open with each other  so why play the bullshit romantic game?
Then again, I'm the kind of bro that prefers cash for my birthday instead of presents. That way I can spend it on what I want, not get some useless trinket that I'll never use. But then again I'm pretty weird. And I'm not a woman.

Don't mean to judge, but... If you aren't sure about your marriage... don't get married in the first place!  

P.S. Don't listen to my advice.
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Post at 16-7-2010 09:56  Profile P.M. 
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Give her both cash and a gift. Find a gift that's personal and meaningful, that'll make her understand that you do respect and see her as someone intimate. At the same time, give her the cash also,but explain to her that this is to help you start off back home in case you need it. That I think shows that you care about her well-being also.
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Post at 16-7-2010 10:28  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by liberty8 at 15-7-2010 23:26
Always had soft spot for pretty  half caste girls, (apologies if this is a politically incorrect term) they seem to inherit the bestof both worlds ...

The Eurasian mix is well documented as having hybrid vigour ... both good looks and brains.  Good catch.  

What you do is what you are.  

That means when she's working as a hooker she's a hooker, but when she does what a girlfriend does she's a girlfriend.  She has her need for money covered by her "work" ... IMHO don't pay her for sex any more than you would pay her a supplementary salary if her work was a salaried civvie job.  

To you she is a girlfriend, no doubt about it.  Don't treat her as a hooker unless she's told you she needs money from you.  Clearly she's in HK to earn money, and equally clearly she's not treating you as a sponsor, my feeling is the highest respect you can pay her is to honor the choice she's made in taking you as her boyfriend.  If she wants you to give her money, she'll tell you, don't you worry!

BTW agree with bro thebigz0 ... if you find you are having ANY distraction outside of your fiancee, walk away, it's not worth the hassle of getting married just to find out what it is you really need and want.  Trust me, I know ... if there's any way that you are not fully satisfied and utterly enraptured by her, it's better for you and it's better for her to walk away sooner, avoiding a buildup and more painful separation later ...

Or: go ahead with your marriage, but make it very clear to her that she's never going to be getting 100% of you (i.e. your time, your money, your attention) and get her agreement that the romantic dream is just a dream and not a formula you expect to follow.  You are an attractive man (obviously), and it really sounds like your fiancee is not giving you the sort of attention you need and deserve and (importantly) CAN GET AND WILL WANT.  

NOT judging you, this is not a moral crusade.  It's advice based on experience, sound advice received in the past, and research ... wouldn't sleep right if I didn't tell you straight.

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Post at 16-7-2010 10:37  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sirtiger at 16-7-2010 01:28
I agree with Dartagan.  I would just avoid the cash & get a gift with meaning since you implied there was quality time speant.  WG are people too.  Giving hard cash implies she is only a hooker to ...

more thoughts on the cash question:-

If she was Chinese I'd say definitely give her cash, it's an intrinsic and deep-seated part of the Chinese culture, and in many ways is appreciated more than physical gifts are.  Put it in a nice red envelope, seal it, and hand it over.  She'll protest and try to refuse but she'll take it.  

But, she's not Chinese, she's Thai / European.  I'm not fully conversant with Thai culture but my impression is cash gifts are not given the way that Chinese give Lai See ... my impression is the gifts Thais give are more practical, useful, or beautiful things (especially clothes) ... someone with more experience can give us better guidance.  But I do know in Europe a cash gift is seen as crass, unimaginative, lazy, or worse ... to be in tune with her European background a gift would be more appropriate, and the precise character of the gift depends a bit on which part of Europe her daddy came from.

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Post at 16-7-2010 11:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 liberty8's post

Buy her a gift.
And give her money.
Write a note with the money. Try to show that giving her the money is not because of the sex, but because you want to help her family as a friend.
To show your sincerity, the money should be in Baht.
Wrap the gift with the money and note.
Tell her to unwrap the gift after you leave.

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Post at 16-7-2010 12:52  Profile P.M. 
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There are various advise given above.  Cash only, Gift only, Cash and Gift etc.

Well there is a subtle alternative that may be best suited for you.  You can go out and get her the type of gift that she would very likely appreciate and like but if she should need the money later on, she can sell the gift to a some shops in HK and get a large percentage of the gift's price back.  Hopefully for her, she finds enuf business that she doesn't have to sell the gift at all because of its sentimental value.

The type of gift I have in mind are the European branded leather purses or bags.  There are shops like Milan Station and Paris Station that specialize in buying back authentic quality LV, Hermes, Prada, Chanel, Gucci, etc leather bags/purses and reselling them like new.  Even at 2nd hand prices, these a Hermes bag can cost at least HK$80000 (you don't hav to spend that much).  Some of these so-called 2nd hand bags are practically like new because they buy these bags from girls who are mistresses and wgs and always get great gifts from their rich admirers.
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Post at 16-7-2010 12:53  Profile P.M. 
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Gift is useless to her.

Here is the best idea of the entire thread: Decide in your mind how much cash you want to give her. When she mentions her family, tell her that you'd like to walk over to Western Union right now, with her, and transfer them some money on her behalf. She will be elated.

Also, please note that she is not just looking for a few days of company. You are a lottery ticket that might become marriage and financial stability. She knows most lottery tickets don't win, but a lottery ticket nonetheless.

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