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Post at 21-7-2010 20:08  Profile P.M. 
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I recently moved to hong Kong from the UK where I did a fair it of partying (the sex party kind)

There was a fairly big scene in London with parties hosted by 5-6 working girls with a ratio of about 2 girls to one guy. If searched high and low and cant find much information about anything similar in Hong Kong. Is there a similar scene - or would it be a case of trying to set it up yourself - i wouldn;t imagine it would be easy.

Any information would be really starting to miss those parties!
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Post at 22-7-2010 07:30  Profile P.M. 
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Ive heard of a bunch of swinger parties in HK where the swinger couples would get together. I forgot which site hooked them all up, but i believe that someone has mentioned it here before. But i haven't heard of the parties where they have WG's attending. Let us know if you find anything. That sounds very interesting.
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Post at 22-7-2010 07:47  Profile P.M. 
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Lan Kwai Fong is the popular place for general parties for you it seems =)

look through the site, maybe under the reference area would have this

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Post at 22-7-2010 09:23  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by bb66 at 21-7-2010 20:08
hosted by 5-6 working girls with a ratio of about 2 girls to one guy...

You need to be careful bro, that arrangement would get raided and shut down real fast here, with jail time for the girls.  The law is strict about paid sex being 1:1 with only 2 people on the premises.  

Swinging parties do happen - surf the internet for a while and you'll find a couple of groups organising parties for couples (they won't take single guys nor guys with a WG).  

Not seen too much else but it must be out there.  I've seen a few posts, and take the view that it must be the tip of the iceberg ... sorry I don't have specific suggestions where to look aside from the obvious (contact sites and personals ads).

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 31-7-2010 02:13  Profile P.M. 
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You're best bet is to set up your own party (with trusted friends) across the border in Southern China.  Book a hotel with a large suite and bring over KTV girls in 2-1 ratio w/the guys.  We've done this in the past for bachelor parties.  Easier and cheaper to set up something like this in Dongguan than in Macau (tried that too once).  Have never tried this in HK.
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Post at 31-7-2010 10:12  Profile P.M. 
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I know the tyoes of parties he's referring to...Lady Marmalade etc. The difference he will find though is at those parties, the girls are really in charge, wantom horny bitches who are confindent and non stop trying to get you aroused and horny to fuck them etc... they really are pros in this regard. In my experiences with Chinese girls at events like this, it is often 1 or 2 girls to a man and thats how it stays - youd struggle to to what you're encouraged to do in the UK parties and fuck ALL of them.

My personal way to achieve this is to do it in HK with filipinas. Get a twin room at a good hotel (in WC - so the twin beds will both be double) and get into the bars and tell the girls there whay you want. If they wont, they will know girls who will. You will also find many bi-girls aswell if you ask around....and believe me, pinoy girls know how to party this way...

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Post at 1-8-2010 00:59  Profile P.M. 
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wow... I wanna be in London...
thrilled to have a sex party... !!!
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Post at 1-8-2010 13:43  Profile P.M. 
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I really like the london party scene.  It is fun to do it a group setting.  I really wish they had something like it in Hong Kong.  I am sure the girls would be better than London
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Post at 3-8-2010 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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If this website can help you... i do not know how successfull is it... but if you try let us know!

On facebook also u can find some ppl in HK trying to set up sex parties...

Goog luck!

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