Like twiceAweek, I was hoping this debate was over but I can’t let it end with Marsupial’s simplistic regurgitation of his oft-repeated opinions, which I consider to be manifestly incorrect. He says:
Originally posted by Marsupial at 20-1-2010 15:30
The only way to become infected when DATYing an HIV positive girl, is if she is shedding significant quantities of the virus and you have a cut in your mouth.
As twiceAweek has pointed out, none of us are experts here, so what Marsupial is saying MIGHT be true, for all we know. But there are plenty of real experts who will completely disagree. One such opinion is given in the very first post of this thread, which, with respect to DATY, states:
"Cunnilingus carries a theoretical risk of HIV transmission for the insertive partner (the person who is licking or sucking the vaginal area) because infected vaginal fluids and blood can get into the mouth. (This includes, but is not limited to, menstrual blood). Likewise, there is a theoretical risk of HIV transmission during cunnilingus for the receptive partner (the person who is having her vagina licked or sucked) if infected blood from oral sores or bleeding gums comes in contact with vulvar or vaginal cuts or sores."
You’ll note that the reference to bleeding gums
ONLY applies to an infected man passing HIV to a woman, not an infected woman passing it to the man.
Perhaps Marsupial misunderstood or perhaps he’s deliberately trying to mislead us.
With respect to DATY, Marsupial writes:
Originally posted by Marsupial at 20-1-2010 15:30
So the only way to become infected from a BBBJ from an HIV-positive girl, is if she has a cut in her mouth.
Again referring to the internet quote given in the first post of this thread:
"With fellatio… For the insertive partner there is a theoretical risk of infection because infected blood from a partner's bleeding gums or an open sore could come in contact with a scratch, cut, or sore on the penis."
That’s what Mars says, except that he conveniently left out the part about the man’s damaged penis. I think most of us might notice if we have a cut on
our dick.
So, in both cases, DATY and BBBJ, Marsupial disagrees with this expert's opinion and makes DATY safer and BBBJ more dangerous. I’m sorry to say this but I genuinely believe that Marsupial is deliberately trying to mislead the bros on this forum and is deliberately trying to put them in harm’s way. That’s why I started this thread in the first place and, in his post #79, Marsupial has again confirmed my worst opinion of him.
Why he would want to do this, I have no idea. But what other explanation can there be?
For the record, and to pre-empt a reply, I’m not saying that it’s impossible for a man to be infected with HIV by BBBJ, even if he has no damage to his dick. I suppose that it’s theoretically possible for the virus to pass down the urethral canal. It’s up to everyone to assess their own acceptable level of risk but don’t believe ANYONE who would tell you that you
have to have a cut in
your mouth to contract HIV from an infected DATY partner.
I admit I'm no expert, but most of what I have read on this subject has confirmed that, for the man, DATY is more dangerous than BBBJ and, for the woman, the opposite is true. I.e. it's the one doing the sucking who is at risk.
Also, for both partners, I agree that the odds of becoming infected by oral sex is very low. But bear in mind that Marsupial is nearing 60 and I suppose dying of AIDS is not high on his list of fears. Even if he contracted HIV, he'd be dead of old age before AIDS killed him. But if you're a guy in your 20s, and looking forward to having a wife and kids, you might want to look at things a little bit differently.
Be safe.
Last edited by pisser at 21-1-2010 00:12 ]