Subject: HIV - Is DATY 100% Safe?
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Post at 16-1-2010 11:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by TheButler at 16-1-2010 03:48

Aw c'mon, I'm all for straw men but you're just setting that one up to try and win an argument the other guy didn't make.

The essence of Marsupial's comment is that rarely can risk be c ...

i am not trying to win an argument, nor putting words/statements in his mouth...
i just think the risk factor by crossing streets, driving cars etc was way exaggerated

anyway, sorry if i offended, i apologise

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TheButler   16-1-2010 13:03  Acceptance  +2   Apologize! You're wrong!! ;-)
pisser   16-1-2010 12:31  Acceptance  +2   Don't apologise - you're right.
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 16-1-2010 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Finn at 16-1-2010 11:08
i am not trying to win an argument, nor putting words/statements in his mouth...
i just think the risk factor of crossing streets, driving cars etc was way exaggerated

Come on bro, take it one step further, you're almost there Finn - and, and....?

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Post at 16-1-2010 12:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by CunningLinguist at 16-1-2010 05:16
What I meant to say in post #8 was it's up to the reader to think for himself...  

That's the whole point of this thread. I just felt that there had been too many threads and
too any posts telling bros that there was no risk from DATY when, IMHO, there is a big risk.

And one person who is now writing that, yes, of course there's some risk, is on record many
times, as saying that the risk is so minute that it can be safely disregarded. And he always comes
back to crossing the road, although what that's supposed to prove has always escaped me. But
I guess it means - well you have take risks in life - so why not take one more. That's just moronic.

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Marsupial   17-1-2010 01:10  Acceptance  -15   Tit for that, from now on 5 to 1
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Post at 16-1-2010 12:34  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 16-1-2010 11:45

Come on bro, take it one step further, you're almost there Finn - and, and....?

i'm sorry, im 25 already... you are 10 years late... i would start a huge discussion with you when i was still 15..

imo it's still useless "facts", those so called "facts" doesnt tell shit..
fact: 50.000 out of 304mil is 0.01%

IMO you don't need to be Einstein to know that DATY is not 100% safe.

[ Last edited by  Finn at 16-1-2010 12:36 ]
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Post at 16-1-2010 13:03  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Finn at 16-1-2010 12:34
IMO you don't need to be Einstein to know that DATY is not 100% safe.

I completely agree, but that's the question pisser asked isn't it.

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Post at 16-1-2010 13:10  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Finn at 16-1-2010 12:34

IMO you don't need to be Einstein to know that DATY is not 100% safe. ...

Well, I definitely ain't no Einstein, but I'll agree with you anyway!

The point is simply that there are lots of things in our lives that are not 100% safe and we do them anyway.  Some we do for necessity (like getting on a plane to go to a business meeting), some we do for pleasure (like getting on a plane to go on a vacation).  A more pertinent example is simply this: sex with a condom is not 100% safe (because the condom could break), yet that is your chosen activity.  If you're standard is to only live a life doing only things with a zero fatality then you'd best unplug your computer now because I'm sure there's something toxic inside.  And don't drive a car, don't cross the street, don't go swimming, don't have a gas oven in your house . . . the next thing you know you're a Howard Hughes style hermit.

go on . . . lick that puss . . . you know you want to . . .

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pisser   17-1-2010 00:28  Acceptance  -3   Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ....
Marsupial   16-1-2010 13:16  Acceptance  +5   The Butler did it!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 16-1-2010 13:30  Profile P.M. 
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you guys (marsupial and butler) love DATY? if thats the case... i can understand the examples...
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 16-1-2010 13:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 pisser's post

Let's pretend for a minute that the point of this thread really is to warn the bros about the dangers of DATY. (Actually, we both know you're just trying to get a little revenge for an argument that didn't go your way in the Norika thread; just as Finn's presence in this thread is due to the neg 5 A I gave him for his 'Jap' comment in that same thread.)

People are real bad at assessing risk. We let irrelevant emotional factors (disgust at licking a naked pussy, for instance) influence how we perceive risk. We're quite willing to give up a low-risk activity that means little to us, yet continue doing something much more dangerous because stopping would involve real sacrifice.

As I wrote earlier, I personally know 3 people who died in 3 separate car crashes. My mother got Hepatitis while in a good hospital for minor surgery. I have a good friend who got deathly sick - he was in a hospital for a mth and had stomach problems for years afterward - from seafood eaten in HK.

On the other hand, I've been sucking pussy for 35 years and I've never gotten so much as a blister from this little vice of mine. I don't personally know anyone who has ever gotten anything form DATY. A doctor in the States laughed at me when I asked about the danger of HIV infection from DATY. All of those charts and quotes from reputable medical experts I posted in the STD thread state that the risk of HIV infection from DATY is, in fact, extremely low.

So if I were a rational being, and I wanted to alter my behavior so as to minimize the chance of something bad happening, given my experience, would I give up riding in cars, or give up DATY?

I'm not incapable of being cautious when the situation warrants it. I'd rather have bareback sex any day, but I always wear a dom for casual sex. You want to convince me to give up a habit - DATY - that gives me great pleasure, you're going to have to show me the proof.

Whether you or anyone else sucks pussy, who give's a shit?

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 16-1-2010 14:30 ]

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TheButler   26-1-2010 14:00  Acceptance  +3   You're so much smarter than Pisser!
pisser   17-1-2010 00:31  Acceptance  -3   you are such a fuckin ass!

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Post at 16-1-2010 13:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Finn at 16-1-2010 13:30
you guys (marsupial and butler) love DATY? if thats the case... i can understand the examples...

LOL!  Touche sir.

Actually, I'm a bit squeamish when it comes to DATY on a working girl.  I was just arguing the logic of the point.  And my reservation has nothing to do with HIV risk for the activity, it's the notion that some other dude's dick was just in there creampie-ing her.  I know it's irrational, but that's me.  With GFs I'll dine all day.  With WGs I mostly only do it if I'm going to write a report so that I can give an accurate testimony of her equipment.  The things I do for the brethren . . .

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 16-1-2010 14:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 16-1-2010 13:41
just as Finn's presence in this thread is due to the neg 5 A I gave him for his 'Jap' comment in that same thread.)

LOL you did??? what thread you talking about, can you link me?? i have seriously no clue...
the reason for my presence here is actually by pure coincidence....  who ever read my reports KNOWS --> Finn doesnt DATY!! Cause i dont like the taste of it... its like pee!
but few days ago... i went on a trip in europe... and the girl asked me: you want 69?? i was like sure... i get a good bj... and i get a good view from the ass and pussy... i dont need to lick her.. im the fucking custumor... but she had this nice looking pussy... so why not give daty another try i was thinking... i took a lick.. it doesnt taste like pee... it doesnt taste like anything its just meat... so i carried on... i didnt like it... but i was not hating it either...

and one question for the DATY pro's: after a while i was licking around the pussy area... and it tasted like sugar!! it was sweet!!! i asked my friends, and they said they have this special lotion that makes it sweet, that true??

so then i saw this topic and i was like: are you fucking kidding me?? i finally tried a DATY session longer then 5 secs.. and now i have to worry about it??
so it is not because you gave me neg 5 A... if i knew.. i think i would be replying in that same thread... and not here...

anyway... so you are a DATY LOVER pur sang... so that makes sense... its just your way to comfort yourself... fair enough...

found the thread..
Marsupial   11-1-2010 03:24   Acceptance   -5   Again with the jap thing! read the threa

im born and raised in europe and there is not a lot of japanese people here... i dont really have the chance to use "japanese", if i need to use it i always type "jap" my abbreviation for Japanese, i had no clue it's somehow a humiliating word... but now i know and it will not happen again...
a pm should be better information though... i am not checking out who's  Pos A me or Neg A me on every post..   you think too much..

[ Last edited by  Finn at 16-1-2010 14:25 ]

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pisser   17-1-2010 00:43  Acceptance  +2   Mars just thinks everything is about him
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Post at 16-1-2010 15:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #30 Finn's post

I was just fishing with that comment about you're being in this argument because of the neg A from the Norika thread. pisser's motives, however, are quite clear, as evidenced by his link in post #1.

So that's some coincidence that the only two guys in this thread who take exception to my reasoning are the same two guys I neg A'd in the Norika thread. My apologies.

(btw, I gave you the -A in the Norika thread because about 6  of the previous posts immediately before yours were concerned with the use of the word 'Jap'. 2/wk was ordering a bro to go back and edit out the word; the guy finally, after a lot of complaining, agrees, and then you come along and use 'Jap' in a post.)

But getting back to DATY: if you have emotional problems with sucking puss bro, don't do it. However, the health issues have nothing to do with our individual likes and dislikes.

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Post at 16-1-2010 15:14  Profile P.M. 
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THIS... is really something else!

I mean this "debate!"  

Or is it just continuing/taking the playground antics back to the classroom?

Well.... at least you guys are keeping it all to a respectable (I guess!! LOL) volume and not dinking each other with negative points.  Good on y'a both!!

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Post at 16-1-2010 15:17  Profile P.M. 
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If anyone wants to continue having a heated debate over this or any other subject
please take it to the Members Fight Club thread ... ... &extra=page%3D1
thank you
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Post at 16-1-2010 15:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 16-1-2010 15:01
(btw, I gave you the -A in the Norika thread because about 6  of the previous posts immediately before yours were concerned with the use of the word 'Jap'. 2/wk was ordering a bro to go back and edit out the word; the guy finally, after a lot of complaining, agrees, and then you come along and use 'Jap' in a post.)

well.. i saw those massive boobs and the first thing i wanted to know was if those were real boobs or not...
i read the report, saw the boobs and had a quick scroll wether alvintanhk (i think he was the OP) mentioned those felt real or not... so the other comments or -A i didnt notice...
most -A are from useless oneliners anyway so didnt bother...  and when i saw your -A on me... i was thinking you were negging me cause of the fact i didn't read the whole report
my question was: are those real, or is it custumized by a JAP doctor??    i thought you mean  OP already said in report its real or not... and i thought u were negging me cause i was asking this allready answered question... but now i know the prob is the word JAP wich is somehow forbidden,  wont use it again, my bad.

@ twice aweek... dude ... make love not war man!
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Post at 16-1-2010 15:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #34 Finn's post

Finn, that is precisely why a thread like Mambers fight club was started ...
any disagreements goes there and not in the main body of the forum !
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Post at 16-1-2010 15:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 twiceAweek's post

YES YES YES!!! I Second and third and.... THAT!

Do you guys know that we have a "Fight Club" thread in the chat section?

This is a really GREAT and unique thread where anything goes - EXCEPT the awarding of points - Karma/Aceptance/Negative/positive!  

A true blue LEVEL PLAYING FIELD where the School yard Bully can only use his words instead of his fists (neg karmas).  Just a few Class clowns perhaps!

Anything goes - but instead guys there are being very respectful of the privilege granted and making actual contributions to trying to make SEX141 and EVEN BETTER PLACE to belong to.

Come on over guys - you'll like it (and will make it unnecessary for me to keep on braying at the moon!)

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Post at 16-1-2010 15:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #36 SEAJ's post

are we going to get this ad for the thread everytime its mentioned ?

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SEAJ   16-1-2010 16:05  Karma  +1   Can I??!! Muahaha!!
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Post at 16-1-2010 16:01  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 16-1-2010 15:17
If anyone wants to continue having a heated debate over this or any other subject
please take it to the Members Fight Club thread ... ...

GREAT - your push much more effective methinks.


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Post at 16-1-2010 16:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #38 SEAJ's post

do you intend to be a smart ass through out your life in this forum ?

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SEAJ   16-1-2010 16:05  Karma  +1   Better than a bully - NO?
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Post at 16-1-2010 16:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #39 twiceAweek's post

seaj, this is not a direction because you can do what you want, but
normally I give Karma(s) as a reward for one's effort in reporting or
helping others or posting good information, and not for the type of
reply I gave you.

Acceptance points however is designed for that, if you agree or disagree with what been said ...

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SEAJ   16-1-2010 16:52  Acceptance  +1   NOW I understand why!! Tx .. again.

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