Originally posted by akka at 29-7-2010 21:14
i have fallen in love about 8 times going through these picture my man. Why oh why do the pimps think we need photo shopped pics. It's like looking at ebay page on barbie asia doll most of the time. I really hope the pimps see this and realise that men go for different features, and are far less pissed off when they pic a girl and get the one (exact one) they came for.
I think it is unlikely for the DB photos to be without PS modification in the future.
In the early years, there were other sites offering photos for comparison.
The most important thing is that 141 took the photos before now instead of the agents offering the photos now.
There is a good incentive for the agents to PS the photos.
Btw, which 8 HG/WG got you fallen in love?