Subject: HK tourists got killed in the Philippines
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Post at 24-8-2010 14:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 24-8-2010 13:43

PRC police means business, they have order "shoot to kill", watch this ,happened recently in GZ:

Well, you're lucky LE don't carry guns in the SZ Hooker Alleys. You would think twice about making a run for it.
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Post at 24-8-2010 14:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #21 geoduck's post


Nah, I am safe.
I am not holding the hooker allys gals hostage. I am only there to shoot my cum and not shoot to kill.

About the shoot to kill policy.
My aunt in Shanghai who works with goverment office represented that the officers are given the greenlight to shoot wrongdoers who tries to threathen another life.
Why (i think this was a joke) ? So that the governement do not have to feed that asshole for the rest of his life. Waste of money and resources.

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Post at 24-8-2010 14:46  Profile P.M. 
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Really don't know wtf are those polices, SWAT? No kidding man, they are not better than boy scout!!
I believe that all dead can be avoided..

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Post at 24-8-2010 15:55  Profile P.M. 
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Post at 24-8-2010 15:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 DaBestHK's post

sorry about that. let me delete it.
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Post at 24-8-2010 16:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #24 haroldla's post

In that youtube footage of yours ... I timed it, these cops in Germany took less then 15 seconds to
break into that bus and storm it with full force - not sure if this was a real hostage situation or
just a prectise run ... but 15 seconds compared with more then 70 mins for those Philippine cops
is just a travisty !

Shame on the Philippine government, its so called leaders and its useless cowardly law enforcement !
A micky mouse country runned by goofie and his cronies !!!  Shame to everyone that had anything
to do with this incident !

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 24-8-2010 17:01 ]
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Post at 24-8-2010 16:50  Profile P.M. 
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One thing's for sure, yesterday's footage on the way the Philippine police handled the situation
will become required reading for every law enforcement officer in this world as something 'not to do' !!!

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Post at 24-8-2010 16:52  Profile P.M. 
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I memorial of the following people:

Tse Ting Cheunn Masa
Leung Doris Chung See
Leung Song Yi Jessie
Fu Cheuk Yan
Yeung Yee Wa
Yeung Yee Kam
Wong Tze Lam
Leung Ken Kam Wing

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Post at 24-8-2010 17:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 geoduck's post

so the trouble makers in the Phillippines only target HK people or is no tourist safe visiting???

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Post at 24-8-2010 17:47  Profile P.M. 
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Condolence for the HK tourists who got killed on hostage tragedy.

I am very sad because the Filipino SWAT didn't handle the situation on a right way. I think the hostage taker gets more angry
when he heard (on radio)/saw (on TV) that his brother is arrested which happen to be a policeman also. If the negotiators
and policemen follow the right way to negotiate I think it will end up peacefully because for me the hostage taker is very good
on following instructions.

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Post at 24-8-2010 17:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #30 JKLNX's post

100% agree what you said. In fact the hostage taker released the kids and old people in the very early beginning, so it is a very sad ending.

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Post at 24-8-2010 18:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #20 hunter's post

You all raise interesting points, however one think  take issue with is the option of simply "sniping him". The risk would be much too great, imagine if they missed, he would have simply killed the hostages, i dont think anyone wanted to take that risk.
The main problem in this case, was that the hostage taker was an ex co (and although he clearly wasnt sane) he would have known the uual tactics used by the Manila cops in this situations, so you see the need for them to tread carefully, especially since they were dealing with some mentally unstable person.
If the police had tried to storm the bus earlier on people would have got caught anyway, i suppose they assumed that since their negotator managed to convince him to relaease the children, there was still hope.
The problem in countries like the philipines is that their police force simply doesnt have the rescources of other police forces which have beenfaced with similr situations, who all just happened to have flashbangs etc on hand, I think we should not compare a third world country to countries such as France, Australia Etc.
I disagre with Harolda, because I am sure the PRC police would have handled the situation in a better way, there is no question of that, becuase if there was crowding problems, the police in China would not hesitate to use tear gas on anyone, lets face it. Hower, if this happened in HK (which of course, it never would) the HK police would not really know what to do, becuase we have never had to deal with aything like it, but the Fili police have had to deal with terrorism threats on what seems like a monthly basis.
Anyway, thats just my two cents, we shouldn't really be blaming anyone except the hostage taker, he was clearly on drugs or an alcohoic (probably the reason he was fired originally).
RIP fellow HKers ;(
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Post at 24-8-2010 19:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 headpunter85's post

sorry don't agree with some of your reasoning ...
the storming  of the bus always takes place after the situation worsens
but to take more than an hour to storm the bus is absolutely unforgivable !

Like you say, police there deals with similar situations much more then most countries ... and I can
assume the outcome can only be tragic based on what I've seen last night !
A bunch of amatures would have used more brains and done better !

As for your comment about HK police ... let me ask you ... where would you rather be if you were a
hostage in any situation ... HK or Philippines ?
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Post at 24-8-2010 19:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 headpunter85's post

You contradict yourself in your post.

You say because the Philippines is a third world country it doesn't have the same resources for their police forces compared to countries like France and Australia, then towards the end you also mention the Fil police have to deal with terrorism threats on what seems like a monthly basis.  

Well, I would assume if the Fil police has almost monthly terrorist threats, there must be some top-notched experienced Fil police available who could have taken care of this hostage taking situation.  Hell, the govt could have flown in those so-called USA special forces trained anti-muslim terrorist Fil soldiers from Mindano to Manila to take out this guy.  This was an international incident (or opportunity) that the Philippines govt could use to show the world that they can handle it professionally and well.
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Post at 24-8-2010 19:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #33 twiceAweek's post

Okay, thats is your view.
In all honesty, Phillipines, at least the police there are experienced with terrorism, for those of you who remember when those two missionaries were taken hostage a few years ago, the army got them back quickly and managed to trick the terrorists into giving away their position.
I just feel that in HK the police would be at a loss as of what to do? It's not like they can think and be like "well this happened last itme, so lets do this".
The situation in manila last night was rather unuaual for several reasons,
1) the guy was an ex cop, so it is difficult to try any negotiating tricks on him.
2) it was in the middle of the city, so they had to deal with crowds before stroming the bus (which is why it took so long)
3) He was mentaly unstable, another reason why it was difficult to get a peaceful solution.
Of course this is not justified, but when trying to think in the killers mind set, he probably planned to kill them from the beginning, just imagine hearing all the horror stories that come out of HK about doestic helpers, e.g. employer abuse, suicides, etc. and then suddenly you are faced with a busload of HK tourists, of course he will do something drastic, someone with little education will often make generalisations like that.
After wathing the local news and comparing it with some of the international reports, i noticd that the local news was much more harsh on the Manila police, and i was discussing this with a local friend (i am canadian chinese), as to why this is, and he says it is probably becuase in general, local HKers tend to feel that Fili's are incompetent, and as one Chinese columist recently put it "a nation of servants". I have to say i cant disagree with this viewpoint, when visiting relatives in hk, they really do treat their helper slike shit. WOW i jsut got pretty sidetracked, but wtv, this is a chat right?

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Post at 24-8-2010 19:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #34 doghead's post

Yes, I do contradict myself, but with reason, i mean  that although the Fil police dont have the rescources that European and American police Depts do, they have managed to show the world that they CAN in fact deal with these situations in the past. As I jsut said, these circumstances were quite extraoridany,wtvr special forces they had would have been useless in that urban environment, Mindanao is mostly jungle, so forces from there would not be helpful either. You cant just go in nd hop for the best when the bus is surrouinded by loads of people, one failure they did make, was the crowd control, the situation could have been resolved much more quickly if the swams o people weent blocking reinforcements and ambulances.
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Post at 24-8-2010 20:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 headpunter85's post

so what you trying to say is that the Philippine police handled the situation well considering
the circumstances and the resources they had ... right ?

you still haven't answered me ... in similar a situation would you rather be in HK or Philippine ?

edit ...
forgot to mention  - your comments about the domestic helpers being ill treated could be one of the
factors that made the guy kill ... was that your imagination or do you actually believe that this crossed
the gunman's mind when he pulled the triger ?

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 24-8-2010 23:13 ]
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Post at 24-8-2010 22:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #32 headpunter85's post

Originally posted by headpunter85 at 24-8-2010 18:54
You all raise interesting points, however one think  take issue with is the option of simply "sniping him". The risk would be much too great, imagine if they missed, he would have simply killed the hostages, i dont think anyone wanted to take that risk.

It would be a pure dumb fuck for the Fili SWAT team to have only 1 sniper.
In any hostage situation, you should have minimum 4 snipers covering 4 angles.

2ndly, not sure if anybody mentioned this. The dumb fuck Negotiator in orange T-shirt.
Why can’t he just put a bullet proof vest and carry a weapon. Fucking charge the muthafucka!!!!
One life for all and at least he has back up that will rush forward to assault the muthafucka.
I read somewhere that the negotiator is not even from a police force and not allow carrying gun, correct me if I am wrong (maybe my source is wrong)

3rdly, another stupid fuck driver who managed to ran away and told the police that all the hostages in the bus are dead. Plain dumb fuck.
Common sense dear police officers!!!! Did you hear any gunshots? Any yelling and screaming?

Another footage showed some of the SWAT officers did not even put on any bullet proof vest before they charge into the bus!! Some dumb idiots they are.
They even tried to open the bus door by pulling outward with some string. WTF!!!! The door can only be opened inward!! Fucking pig brain, no common sense!!

Another idiotic thing they did was handing him the letter. Just fucking say YES and reinstate the muthfucka, then everyone can go home safe.  Just say yes, make him happy and deal with him later!!! Not when he had an M16 pointing at hostages.
why do they have to piss him off?
supposedly the police arrested the guy's bro and son for bargaining. He got pissed and started shooting. Fucking A, why not arrest his mother or favourite regular WG? Fucking retarded!!!

Finally, the Fili police force is just Whore Shit stupid fuck!!! From morning to pm, they have plenty of chances to take down the muthafucka....what did that do??  Period.....enough rant!!

I felt really bad for the fellow hongkongers who had to suffer this ordeal. Peace to them.........sincerely

[ Last edited by  hunter at 24-8-2010 23:14 ]

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Post at 24-8-2010 22:09  Profile P.M. 
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Think headpunter85 is a Pinoy SWAT team member himself to be defending the FUC* UP.

1. The negotiator was walking back and forth between the bus and the police, 50m away. He should've just stayed and continued talking to the hostage taker and try and soften him up
2. The SWAT team were wielding M-16 rifles. This is use in combat on the battlefield, not for close quarter situations and in tight places. Imagined them dashing around inside the bus with these big rifles, bumping into one another
3. They stormed the bus from the front and the back. If the hostage taker was standing in the middle won't the crossfire kill everyone inside the bus?
4. SWAT team in the back didn't even have a ladder to gain access to the bus through the rear window which is almost 6 feet from the ground. They had to climb on each others shoulders to get in - this one is really a joke.

Those Filipino SWAT guys look like cowards and are very slow but worst of all, in the aftermath, this stupid President tried to defend their incompetence with a stupid smirk on his face that look like he was almost laughing it off. Is this how callous Aquino really is? Guess when it comes to a life, to him they're expendable.

[ Last edited by  geoduck at 24-8-2010 22:19 ]
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Post at 24-8-2010 22:47  Profile P.M. 
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One question in my mind is ... were those idiots really SWAT ?
or is there another better anti terrorist team the goverment didn't deploy ?
what would happen if an Americam plane was hijacked and landed in the Phillippines ?
if they used these idiots imagine what the American government would be doing to BA III !!!

I'm watching the news right now, when they interviewed one of the girls in hospital
she's frightened but wasn't told that both her parents were killed and when she said
she was hoping to find her parents soon ... life is cruel, so cruel

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