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Post at 26-10-2010 14:53  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sexpert at 25-10-2010 19:12
Who are you to say that he can't forgive her background?   Who do you think marries these girls when they turn 30 and lose most of their value?  1000s of WGs working in their early 20s then end up wit ...


i have to say many of the WG i have met and are super friendly, i imagine they are pretty strong minded people to be able to do what they do. Obviously there are exceptions, but having a GF with a WG background does not have to be a deal breaker especially when these days girls these sleep with more men than in the past and there is actually a good chance of running into one of your GF ex's if you still live in the same area.
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Post at 27-10-2010 07:56  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Reply #17 lijianhua's post

bro,stop dreaming...all the wg dose that as to keep her rgler customers in contact at all time.
her properly had dozen of us..
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Post at 27-10-2010 12:20  Profile P.M. 
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haha... it would be cool if she didnt charge u on the end of d day... but i think she really got the hots for u... i had that once, the 1st time i did it without protection made me crazy... but i advised against it as these girls are only after ur cash

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