Subject: Circumcision a surgical vaccine against HIV?
  This thread has been closed by sexyloser at 18-5-2024 10:40. 
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Post at 30-10-2010 15:35  Profile P.M. 
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A mate of mine was circumsized when he was in his late 20s after a bicycle accident ripped his foreskin. He ended up on antidepressants for a while he was so down about it, apparently fucking felt much the same burt HJ and wanking no where near as good!  Personally my foreskin gives me a lot of pleasure, go near it with scissors at your peril.  
I totally agree that this only really has merit in 3rd world countries.

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Post at 31-10-2010 21:55  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by princeandnpg at 22-9-2010 16:36
I think circumcision is a bit of a sensitive topic for the non-circumcised.  Anyone who had a circumcision when they were a baby thinks it's perfectly normal, and there's a lot of evidence from the St ...

There's actually almost NO evidence from the States about it being 'hygienic' that's just nonsense.  In fact, the Johns Hopkins study in 1998 found higher STD rates in circumcised men in the U.S.  There was one area where the uncut males faired worse and it was in the lifetime incidence of penile cancer and the difference was a mere fraction of 1 percent.  Hell the error rate in circumcision is 2% to start with.  

The African trials aren't a good comparison for the developed world.  And besides, an earlier study in Africa showed just the opposite result.  When proper hygiene and regular washing are available the difference disappears.  But for comparison look at the U.S.: with the highest circumcision rate in the western world AND the highest HIV rate in the western world.  Cutting off foreskins has not worked here.

Cutting off your weiner so that you don't have to wash it is just dumb, and a play for steady income by the docs, and just plain perverted.

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 31-10-2010 22:14  Profile P.M. 
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Just ask yourself if you would take the risk based on this report?  Common sense probably tells you no.
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Post at 1-11-2010 04:05  Profile P.M. 
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interesting read. I never knew it offered that much more protection.

I lolled at the South African Jail circumcising inmates. Thats a good deterrent to break the law in South Africa. Jail = Big Bubbas playthang.

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