bcs74 (Tuna)
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Post at 20-8-2020 23:05  Profile P.M. 
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Permanent ID

I haven't been to HK for almost 3 years now and need to pass through immigration to keep my permanent HKID card status.

It seems to enter HK you have to stay, and quarantine, for 2 weeks.

Is it possible to instead go through immigration while transisting to another destination, e.g. fly on to Thailand?


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teltel   22-8-2020 09:27  Acceptance  +1   Check Cathay Pacific website, has succinct answers and good links

TunaTin, the artist formerly know as bcs74
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Post at 21-8-2020 22:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 bcs74's post

Short answer: Highly unlikely

Caveat: I'm just a casual news consumer

Longer answer:
1) In normal times, theoretically you can go through immigration as long as you have enough time between flights. However, I believe arrivals get sent to get tested at Asia World Expo and then have to wait for their results, which takes at least a few hours but could be overnight depending on when you arrived and how busy they are.
2) I have no idea if you can take your negative test and just go back to the airport and exit instead of going to quarantine. Doubtful - the Centre for Health Protection's website has had a steady stream of news releases regarding the jailing/fining of people who skipped quarantine and were caught at immigration on the way to Shenzhen (e.g. https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/gene ... 2020081300646.htm).
3) I was under the impression that HK has halted transit-only connections. I think they're discussing re-allowing them for transit to certain locations, notably China, but I don't know if that has taken effect yet.

Recent Ratings
bcs74   22-8-2020 03:51  Acceptance  +6   Thanks for the info

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