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Post at 26-4-2020 23:59  Profile P.M. 
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Group/Reading access “powers”?

Hello all, I am new here and was wondering what are the privileges associated with different levels? Couldn’t really find an answer looking around a bit. For example I wanted to post some reviews but it seems at my status it is not yet possible, while I apparently can post here in the lounge. So I’d be curious to understand how this all works.


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Explorer1   29-4-2020 12:22  Acceptance  +4   Welcome points here!
jeffzeke   28-4-2020 13:24  Acceptance  +10   answer below
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Post at 27-4-2020 00:29  Profile Blog P.M. 
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You can (and should!) post reviews, but you must post them in the Newbie Reports section of the forum. Each report you post there will help you gain credits until you accumulate 100 of them, become a Musky Member and then would be able to post in the other sections.

Currently you have reading access of 10, which means you can see most reports in most sections (but cannot read some more sensitive reports and cannot see most images). As you post more reports and accumulate credits your reading access will increase and gradually more material will become accessible.

Happy punting and reporting!

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amgerm   8-4-2021 16:11  Acceptance  +1   Ah finally found a good explaination. thanks!
jeffzeke   28-4-2020 13:28  Acceptance  +10   good advice, thanks!
Lustful Lord
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Post at 27-4-2020 00:42  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks! I had always thought the “new year” section was meant to post about new WG, allowing for a distinction between the established scene and the new one. Learning everyday!

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jeffzeke   28-4-2020 13:28  Acceptance  +10   keep posting reviews! I added a link for more info.
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Post at 28-4-2020 13:27  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Check out the link above and it will also give you a brief intro to the Karma and Acceptance point structure.  Best way is to keep posting reviews, try to add photos if possible.  First post in the "Newbie Report" section, and then when you level up, post in the other sub-forums according to geography.

Try hard to get to 500 Karma points (Lustful Lord) status, as the "Restricted Access Report" section opens up to you, and you will get LOTS of valuable reports.

I now almost post exclusively at the Restricted Acess section.

WELCOME and keep posting reviews!  That is what drives this entire forum.

Recent Ratings
datbeast   30-4-2020 21:16  Acceptance  +1   I wondered that too. Thanks for the help
PiR2_42   28-4-2020 23:43  Acceptance  +1   Appreciate the help!

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