Subject: My Date with a girl from the Times Square Mall
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Post at 17-11-2010 01:28  Profile P.M. 
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My Date with a girl from the Times Square Mall

Hopefully this is not too much off topic..

After my 2nd HG I went shopping in CWB at Times Square and was buying some souvenirs.. and like you all probably know..the girls in malls are pretty.. real pretty..
so I was buying some stuff and noticed that the girl who was helping me, kinda liked me..

And trust me normally i'm not the straight forward guy.. but this time.. I thought what the got nothing to lose. I asked her out and she said yes and gave
me her phonenumber. She called me after work and we went out to dinner and she came to my hotelroom BUT no sex.. did cuddle a lot and kissed.

She told me to call her tomorrow to meet again! hopefully I will get more out of it!

Just wanted to let you guys know how much I love HK now.. everything what a man needs..lots of food, good mals, rather cheap WG/HG's and now...i can even
get girls for free! think i'm gonna live here!!!

hopefully tomorrow a report about more than just a kiss

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sux0rhj   17-11-2010 08:26  Acceptance  +1   Original -- Let us know how it goes!
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Post at 17-11-2010 02:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 yiplo88's post

Congrats dude, which store does she work at?  How would you describe her?  I have been here for 7 years, never felt that vibe before probably because I do not have a good 5th sense for that type of thing.  I did date a girl who worked at starbucks for a short period.  More power to you!

[ Last edited by  sux0rhj at 17-11-2010 02:31 ]
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Post at 17-11-2010 03:14  Profile P.M. 
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she works at **.. She's pretty tall around 5,8-5,9? pretty and cute face, and her english is very good!
She says she works between CWB and TST sometimes..
I'm going to date her tomorrow so ...

I don't know .. are you an asian guy or western? I think they like the mix..that I'm a western asian guy.. i'm 1,84 so i'm taller than most guys here..
I will try some more in find out if it was coincidence..or maybe they like the way I am.. NO idea

we'll find out soon enough.. so you've been here for  7 years? and you started punting now? wow you waited a long time! Don't think you'll stop now

The way you write your reports..I think ur addicted whehe

edit:  name of work place removed by moderator

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 17-11-2010 13:27 ]
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Post at 17-11-2010 08:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 yiplo88's post

Nice!  Yeah the workers in Times Square and other high end malls elsewhere have to have good english.  

Yeah took a long time for me to work up the courage

Keep us posted are you exploration, always fun to live catharticly through young folks as yourself


Have fun in Macau, from what I read it seems pretty safe.  Seems like the place to go is Sanado,but take a read of the forums and I am sure you will come to your own decision.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 17-11-2010 09:30  Profile P.M. 
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Dude!! she is a Civi gal.

Unless you are treating her like a whore and she is one, then this forum welcome your report about her.
Otherwise, keep your private affair to your own group of friends and families.

141 Forum encourage reporting about encounters with Working Gals.

Dont need to tell punters here that you are Justin Bieber.....

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 17-11-2010 10:20  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry mod. Won't happen again! Just happy to be here.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 17-11-2010 10:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 yiplo88's post

No prob, just heads up.
Let;s be nice to Civi gal and not to expose their identity here among the beast/wolf.

We welcome your experience sharing on working gals.

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9


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