Subject: Hong Kong confirms human case of bird flu
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Post at 18-11-2010 10:46  Profile P.M. 
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Hong Kong confirms human case of bird flu

November 18, 2010 - 1:34PM

Hong Kong has confirmed its first case of bird flu in humans in seven years, with a 59-year-old woman in a serious condition after a visit to mainland China, health officials say.

The government has raised Hong Kong's bird flu alert to "serious", meaning there was a "high risk" of contracting the potentially fatal disease, a spokesman for the Department of Health said.

Health officials said the 59-year-old woman tested positive for Influenza A (H5), a variant of avian influenza, after she was first diagnosed with pneumonia and she was now in a serious condition in hospital.
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Post at 19-11-2010 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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No, ...   
hope this will not end up in travel restrictions or time consuming checks at the airport or on the ferries.
Last year hysteria was quite bad. Even during check in at the Hong Kong hotel they measured temperature
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Post at 19-11-2010 15:59  Profile P.M. 
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This will be a good time to invest in stocks of companies producing those thermal scanners or bird flu vaccines. But I suppose since the news is already a day old, the prices of these companies' stocks have already gone up. Hopefully, it doesn't diminish the Macau mongering scene much.
doghead (dog)
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Post at 19-11-2010 19:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Wachovia68's post

Now is the good time to go out and buy your face masks before the prices go up like last time.  
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Post at 21-11-2010 00:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 doghead's post

Hahah...remember the SARS times when the prices of these masks skyrocketed. Saw some pictures in the newspapers where ppl resort to using bra cups to cover their nose/mouth instead
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Post at 22-11-2010 20:31  Profile P.M. 
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If this is the case, would there be a chance that there will be less working girls going to HK or macau? Will they also reduce their rates? hahaha (a far shot) since if there really is a serious case of bird flu in HK, people, or punters, might be less likely to go to HK

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