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Post at 16-11-2010 00:11  Profile P.M. 
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BTW Shanghai KTV girl and HK WG

Last year, i paid 1000RMB for Shaghai KTV girl after drinking much. So, here Hongkong is fantastic world for me, just 350HK$ ~ 700HK$ would be enough for enjoying with WG. So, it has been a curiosity to me, that what is differences between two locations, Shanghai and Hongkong.
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Post at 16-11-2010 02:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 seaice's post

You're comparing apples and oranges, mate. KTV girls in HK would cost you thousands of dollars, not hundreds.

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Post at 23-11-2010 18:59  Profile Blog P.M. 
Font size: S M L short time..btw..for the money you were paying..u couldve negotiated all night stay with thegirl... 300-700 hk is just pump and dump

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