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Post at 29-11-2010 14:09  Profile P.M. 
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3D Porn TV Announced For France

Who has the most urgent need for 3D porn ??   Vive l’Amour     <France>

Few years ago 3D pornography was available online. This was limited and viewed through red and blue lenses glasses but now this is the first time in which adult movies can be seen in 3D on TV. France is the first country in Europe to obtain a 3D porn video on demand check.

On French free station Channel 171 viewers will have right to use to over 60 exclusive 3D high clarity films.

Although there are many disbelievers when it comes to the use of 3D in feature films as it seems that many onlookers accepted that 3D is the way ahead in the adult entertainment industry.

At the last Cannes Film Festival the uses of 3D was told by Film director Woody Allen.

He said that he there is a cause for liking 3D movies. In the three-dimensional women look a lot better. He doesn't see it in his movies, but for Playboy it will be great.

In the previous year Marc Dorcel was the person to complete his incursion into 3D porn at MipTV. This was done in the joint venture with French firm 3DLized.


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atomic3d   29-11-2010 19:12  Karma  +1   Favorable

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