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Post at 10-2-2011 13:19  Profile P.M. 
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This is a test - will be deleted.

trying to figure out how to set the RA level on a Thread (not just a picture).  The Reading Access entry-box at the bottom doesnt do anything when I try it.  I can set it to 10, submit the post, but no RA is applied.  I go edit the post and the box has been reset to 0.  Hmmm.  Is that box just for setting RA levels on Pics?  (it looks like it).  If so, where is the selector to set an RA level on the entire thread?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 10-2-2011 13:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

You must get many girls accusing you of only looking at their tits not their faces when you speak to them.

Don't look toward the bottom but instead look to the top of the forms for both Editing/New Topic.. The first item on top will be your 'Username'. The second item right under the Username is the 'Required Reading Access Level'. You will see a box next to it that is already set to '0'. It is in this box you will set the RA for the whole thread.
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Post at 10-2-2011 13:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 doghead's post

Thanks Doghead, but nope.  Below is a copy/past of the "header" parts when I edit a post.  Below "Username" is "Subject" - there is no "Reading Reading Access Level".  See below:

Username wander [log out]
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Post at 10-2-2011 19:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 wander's post

ask SEAJ, he should know how to do it. and he's always usually online!
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Post at 10-2-2011 20:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 wander's post

not weird at all.

if you started the thread, you will see reading access box below your username.

if you didnt start the thread, and are only replying within the thread, then the headers you listed will appear, without the reading access box because only the original thread starter can set RA for the thread.

click NEW, and you will see REQUIRED READING ACCESS LEVEL below your username.
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Post at 10-2-2011 22:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

Bro, only conquerors or above are currently able to set RA on their threads.

My penis mightier than the sword
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Post at 10-2-2011 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 CunningLinguist's post

Ahhh, that solves it then.  

Well, seems I might be a conguerer soon.., just a few Karma short.  Just a tiny, ity bit short.  (hint hint).  haha

Thanks Bro

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