I had a dsicussion with my western colleagues on this topic once. The conclusion seems to be part of the grooming practice in the West, a bit like shaving legs and armpits. And definitely sexual pleasure comes into it also.
The word "fresh" came into the conversation quite a few times and preferred not to have pubic hair stick between teeth was also high as the reason. Interestingly in a short poll of male shaving practice, I was surprised that equality seems to have taken over, most in the conversation confessed that they shaved their balls and all, for some, their GFs will not do the honour to go down on them if they are not "clean and smooth" down below!! So it was almost a reciprocal practice and again the word "fresh" also came up a few times particularly in the Summer.
It also seems that girls tend to shave if they are sexually active, as nobody will see them down below otherwise, right. Except in the Summer of course when most will shave for their bikini line and making them "fresher", it is a bit like some girls prefer not to wear undies in the Summer!! (thanks heaven for such practices!!)
Last edited by hkcharlie at 8-2-2011 13:51 ]