Subject: Worst punt of my life possible FUJI LADYBOY ALERT!!!!!

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Post at 12-11-2023 23:23  Profile P.M. 
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Worst punt of my life possible FUJI LADYBOY ALERT!!!!!

Location: Fuji 15a3.

Today is finally the day I got trapped. I am not 100% sure but over the years of punting, I never recieve a derection. Something just doesn't feel right and every cell in my body is screaming. My dick went 1/2 of my normal limp size. First time ever during punting. I don't know how to explain it but maybe the men pheromones or whatever.

So here it is bros, if sth isn't right listen to your body. Even your dick will tell you something isn't right. Walk and stay safe.

Again I am not 100% sure cuz her skill is quite bad. Ladyboy usually have superb skill cuz they once had a dick. Maybe it's just me but I got derection, that must say something.

In all honesty, this might not be my first lady boy cuz I probably tried one from KH from the other post. But just to be safe I'll never try a Thai provider again, just too many trap

[ Last edited by  jimsonpai at 12-11-2023 23:24 ]

Recent Ratings
imuy   16-11-2023 18:42  Acceptance  +1   Don't feel bad bro. It also happened to me. Went in for a was dark and couldn't see very well. She did ...
Max1234   13-11-2023 21:40  Karma  +4   Karma to feel better
hajimede   13-11-2023 10:32  Acceptance  +1   Maybe you have a mild panic attack that time, like you said, ladyboy usually very skillful and know exactly what button ...
Dante102i   13-11-2023 01:41  Karma  +2   Also went inside a lady boy's room in fuji today. Although i dont remember the room #, just like you said, your dick in ...
clampbottom   13-11-2023 00:27  Karma  +3   Sympathy. But would appreciate more details

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