Subject: RAID IN Guangxi 高清:广西警方大规模夜袭“黑恶黄赌毒”
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Post at 19-4-2011 11:25  Profile P.M. 
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RAID IN Guangxi 高清:广西警方大规模夜袭“黑恶黄赌毒”


RAID IN Guangxi ON APRIL 17.

  4月17日深夜至18日凌晨,广西柳州市警方“亮剑”严打黄赌毒违法犯罪,清查KTV、桑拿洗浴中心等166家娱乐场所,查获涉嫌吸食K粉人员363名,涉嫌卖淫嫖娼人员62名,涉赌4人,治安拘留241人。 图为民警在某酒店查获涉嫌卖淫嫖娼人员。王正祥 摄

 17日晚至18日凌晨,广西南宁警方出动1380人突击当地多个大小娱乐场所,控制审查各类嫌疑人员1196人,其中抓捕强行收取“保护费”、充当“地下出警队”的涉黑涉恶团伙成员83人、涉毒人员460人、涉赌人员184人。警方表示,这是南宁近年来规模最大的专项打击行动,目的在于进一步净化社会治安环境。 南公轩 摄

April 17 midnight to 18 am, police Liuzhou "Sword" strike hard pornography, gambling crimes, inventory KTV, sauna bath centers, 166 entertainment venues, officers seized powder suspected of taking 363 K, 62 persons suspected of prostitution name, gambling-4, 241 security detention. The picture shows the police in a hotel, officers seized suspected prostitution. WANG Zheng-xiang photo

Early evening of 17 to 18, 1380 in Nanning, Guangxi police out to surprise more than the size of the local entertainment, control, review of 1196 various suspects, including arrest forced to collect "protection money", as "underground out of the Force" of the triad 83 gang members involved in evil, drug-related workers 460 184 gambling-related personnel. Police said that this was the largest in recent years, Nanning crackdown aimed to further purify the social security environment. South Male Villa photo

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 19-4-2011 12:11 ]

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5-htp   20-4-2011 13:31  Karma  +1   so harsh =((

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