Subject: How to get Omicron in the NORMAL COURSE of LIFE ?
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Post at 7-3-2022 17:01  Profile P.M. 
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How to get Omicron in the NORMAL COURSE of LIFE ? that means NOT from a 141!

Had this unreal discussion with a close former colleague of mine (as twisted) facing the same brainteaser:
How to get Omicron ASAP in the normal course of life!

His 2 kids and 2 helpers got infected, positive and then negative in less than a week!   
BUT TOO BAD, he and his wife, having just received the 3rd shot, did not turn positive!  

(also kids and helpers got + before 26/2 so their cases cannt even be reported to the gov website)

So they are nervous about what the CUT might Penny Bay is much more inconvenient for them and us (lucky) that staying in our SEALED  fully supplied flat....
and thinking about ways to get Omicron BEFORE MARCH 26 to stay at home, report it on gov website, as well as negative after.

Obviously going to a SSP 141 is not a solution maybe spending our days going to shopping malls - post offices -MTR  ....could help.

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