Subject: So...WHO asked Maria Ozawa for a date at the HK book fair?
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Post at 30-7-2011 10:11  Profile Blog P.M. 
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So...WHO asked Maria Ozawa for a date at the HK book fair?

from the SCMP:
"40 people - some men and some teenagers - went up a stage at the Gameone Group booth sheepishly to get hugs from Japanese porn star Maria Ozawa and two teenage models, from Taiwan and Hong Kong.

"Hong Kong fans are young and very shy," Ozawa said, noting the embarrassed looks on the faces of most of her visitors."

apparently, no mongers went up there, whispered "one night, five figures, US$" and pressed a piece of paper with their mobile number on it in her hand?

but i guess if u were "young and very shy" u got a free hug...


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 30-7-2011 10:12 ]

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DaBestHK   2-8-2011 07:47  Acceptance  +1   too bad i wasnt in HK. i luv porn stars!
doghead (dog)
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Post at 30-7-2011 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JackTheBat's post

Here is a Apple Daily link that shows more of her. She is not looking so hot these days. There are three girls in this video, she is of course the eurasian one. As you can see from the video, most of the guys do not aggressively hug her close or ask for a kiss.

I already posted this link in the Monger's Lounge - Maria Ozawa in HK thread. ... amp;art_id=15477427

[ Last edited by  doghead at 30-7-2011 11:49 ]

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Post at 30-7-2011 22:22  Profile P.M. 
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They are probably scared of STD!
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Post at 2-8-2011 15:00  Profile P.M. 
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maybe or the fact that news people maybe taking picture. would you want your wife, gf to see you on the front headline on a news paper hehe

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