Subject: AIDS contagement
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Post at 16-4-2009 01:06  Profile P.M. 
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AIDS contagement

do you guys think kissing, blowjob, 69 and sucking on the vagina will cause aids? or it must be
blood to blood, organ to organ, blood to organ?
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Post at 16-4-2009 01:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 playmore123's post

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Post at 16-4-2009 05:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 playmore123's post

I don't believe aids is caused by the things you listed ...

I also think that most people who ask these questions here are not going to get a correct answer,
and its important that you don't get mis informed ...

you should go to one of the government STD clinics or family planning and ask your questions there ...

But the one sure way to prevent transmission of STD is -
no exchange of bodily fluids - you do that and you should be safe !
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Post at 16-4-2009 07:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 16-4-2009 05:19
I don't believe aids is caused by the things you listed ...

I also think that most people who ask these questions here are not going to get a correct answer,
and its important that you do ...

As for AIDS (or HIV which is the part you get infected with which then becomes AIDS), it dies in air, so therefore, it needs direct access into the interior of the body. This is usually from a cut or graze on your penis, mouth or even fingers. Strapping up is the best protection from HIV. Unless your cock has a cut or irritated skin then oral w/o is not a problem particularly.

However, for the myriad of other cock and cunt diseases this isn't the case. A whole array of the little suckers can be passed on from contact (finger a girl and then get your fingers around your love truncheon and you may get infected with something. Again, a condom is the best protection.

Having said that though, herpes, crabs etc crawl from the girl to you and you to the girls so there is really NO protection at all other than staying at home and having a wank instead.

If you think you have a problem then get it fixed at a clinic rather than self diagnosis and prescription so you do not infect your bros and more importantly the sexy little wgsthat give us all so much pleasure because a lot of guys blame the girls for spreading the STDs but usually the case is that they got it from one of us int he first place.

[ Last edited by  akka at 16-4-2009 07:15 ]
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Post at 16-4-2009 12:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 playmore123's post

Ah yes, the Americans In Denial Syndrome. In my experience, it's usually caused by arguments with foreigners. Avoid them at all costs.

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Post at 16-4-2009 14:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Marsupial's post

Yes, I've heard of this disease. Quite an epidemic. It used to be fairly contained, but it's spreading quite rapidly around the globe with air travel. It's cause by infection with the Hyper Ignorance Vector, isn't it?

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Post at 16-4-2009 23:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 CunningLinguist's post

Yes, of course; tho there are quite a few people here in the States who still think AIDS is caused by High Impact Volleyball. Silly twits!

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Post at 17-4-2009 17:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 playmore123's post

That's what is so great about this forum:
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Post at 20-4-2009 19:26  Profile P.M. 
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I've heard a whole back that you would have to injest a massive amount of their bodily fluids (besides blood) to actually get aids.

Like I'm talking 5 plus litres of saliva...not sure if this is true but.
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Post at 20-4-2009 19:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 maxmillion's post

Plenty of recorded cases of people catching it from a single shot.  

Worth checking the facts ... otherwise you face missiles from mars ...
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Post at 23-4-2009 22:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 DArtagnan's post

I think Max is talking about being infected from DATY.  I've only read of one documented case and it was a guy who could not get it up and hired WGs for DATY only .... took him several years to be infected and obviously he had a cut in mouth, etc.

Reason this is so hard to qualify is extremely small sample of guys who never fuck, only DATY.

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