Originally posted by sulasno at 26-7-2007 18:57
would be nice to know the reason why certain sites were pulled down ................
If you mean some of the other mongering sites, there were official complaints from within HK last summer about the old bill having shut down some of the sites illegally! That made it into even the English papers. Well what do you expect. I guess Ziteng or whatever that group is as well as the site owners lost that battle, or gave up.
I wouldn't worry too much about what you look like: walking around areas like Jordan, Yaumatei, Mongkok, SSP.. in the after-midnight hours in ripped pants, big boots, long hair, black leather & spikes even, where all the street walkers do their business, the pigs always left me alone (dating as recently back to late last year), and you can see I'm not the only guy here to have made a report like that. If they were looking pissy I would start fiddling with my phone or go into 7-11 or ask for directions in Chinese and they would ignore me. In fact the only time I got IDed in an area teaming with hookers I told him my ID was upstairs (I had just left the building), so he actually let me go get it, sans supervision. Guess I could have left through another exit but I returned and produced a valid document to see for curiosity's sake if he would still actually be there. Remember that they're mostly around just to do their duty and remind everyone who's boss -they're not on a mission from God to arrest you.
Sometimes if you get caught on the way out/down the stairs, particularly later on at night, it's actually just because of a routine check for burglars so try not to panic and pique their curiosity in the process.
Last edited by nobodyiknow at 8-7-2008 00:27 ]