Subject: KH Double Punt before the New Year
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Post at 6-2-2024 20:51  Profile P.M. 
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KH Double Punt before the New Year

Location: King Hing 11th Floor
Nationality & Language: Russian
Face: 3.5/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 3.5/5
Service: 3.5/5
Price & Session Length: 800

11th floor, second door to the right, platinum blonde hair though i think it is a wig?

24 years old a super tight body (apparently she has 2 kids?), seems very cold but her attitude warms up when you go in, shower alone, catbath, cg, finish in mish, no kissing

Wasn't too fussy with the time, her english wasn't too good, she speaks some mandarin, anyway she is worth a try if you like slim girls

Location: King Hing 7th Floor
Nationality & Language: Thai
Face: 4/5
Body: 3/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3.5/5
Price & Session Length: 500

Upon leaving found two thai girls on the 7th floor that caught my eye because they both had fit bodies, there was an older one and a younger one

The younger one got taken so i spent a bit of time considering the older one because she looked pretty good at the door

Considered for a while then decided to try, tbh she looked better at the door

Her face was decent, but body didn't look as good undressed

Attitude and service were decent, she definitely tried, but honestly she was really loose and a bit too skinny

Recent Ratings
Tim8land2   11-2-2024 16:54  Acceptance  +1   
monogamous   7-2-2024 09:45  Karma  +3   
stainedbutter   6-2-2024 21:48  Acceptance  +1   
Hobbier   6-2-2024 20:56  Karma  +3   “Might as well!”

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