Subject: Tiny Kiwi in Pheonix Apartments
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Post at 27-1-2024 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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Tiny Kiwi in Pheonix Apartments

Date & Time of Session:  January 27
Location:  Room F, Flat K, 5/F, Phoenix Apt., 54 - 70 Lee Garden Rd., Causeway Bay
Name: Kiwi
Nationality & Language: Hong Kong, Cantonese primary, can also speak mandarin
Age: late 30s maybe?
Face:  7/10
Body: 6/10
Height: Very short
Skill: 9/10
Service: 8/10
GFE: 2/10
PSE: 4/10
Price & Session Length: 600 + 100 for overtime
Repeat: Would be willing to, but my next visit'll probably be sampling some more of what the building has to offer

Headed to pheonix apartments to see what the place is like. The 141 website has listings on the 5th and 3rd floors of the building, so I took a trip to the top floor and it was all standard looking flats. Went down to the 5th floor, and there was the more familiar walk up lighting. I didn't check any floors besides 8 and 5, but I suspect the only floors in business are the floors that have 141 listings and you can save yourself the effort of checking any of the other floors because they're probably actually still apartments.

Went around and kind of just looked at all the doors first, some of them seem to indicate that they're just in business for regular massages. Avoided knocking on those doors because I was in the mood for a little more action than the chiropractor can give me, saw the door of the Sammi lady who I've seen glowing review threads on these forums for. Hers and her neighbour's door were plastered with pictures of themselves, and there was another door nearby with some stunner photos and a please wait sign and the rest of the doors were more muted text-only introductions to the girls inside. Sammi was open for business, and I did sort of want to see for myself how good she was but I also wanted to offer these forums a report for someone who hasn't been written about yet, so I avoided that one door with the name I had seen before.

Unfortunately, I discovered in my forum search before I started writing this that someone else had already written about the girl who I had landed on. I found that she had a listing on the 141 website as I walked away and looked up the flat + name, and the link is the same as the one in one past report ( ... mp;highlight=kiwi). The girl from the post 12 years ago was working in JSL, but description of her appearance and process seemed fairly accurate to my experience. Photos on her 141 listing look like pretty accurate depictions of her body, the profile picture kinda seems like a generic pic and the face is censored anyways.

Greeted the door with a cheery disposition, commented on how cold she was. She could just wear a coat while she's alone and take it off when she greets the door but maybe that's a hassle, I dunno. She had a window open too, closing it brought the room's temperature down to a more tolerable level. Showered togethor then she moved into a nice cat bath and lively blowjob. Had to be careful during action because she's quite noticeably shallower than average and doesn't tolerate impact in the back. Honestly I think girls just generally don't tend to enjoy impactful bottoming out and some of them are just hiding the pain for the customer. The other guy's report thread for her was from 2012 though, so she's probably well seasoned and knows what she can take. Her reactions are nice, but I did get worried and had to check in at times because she'd let me know about actual pain but then she also moans kind of like she's in pain but that's just how she moans. After a while of action she did a cute arched back and I finally managed to

I'm usually slow to finish and blew over time, gave her 1000 and let her sort out the change and she only added 100 to her base price, gave back 300. Seems to be a veteran, and a fair cop on price, I might go back next time after I get disappointed by the girl behind the bombshell photos who had the please wait sign up today.

Recent Ratings
ElonStark   17-2-2024 12:13  Karma  +2   Excellent
manhands   3-2-2024 16:10  Karma  +4   
goldenpanda   30-1-2024 00:36  Acceptance  +1   
Danger168   29-1-2024 21:28  Acceptance  +1   Original
gwailoplayer   29-1-2024 18:18  Karma  +5   She failed me, I arrive at set time, she yells through the door "busy for 3 hours, find another giirl!". I did.
slickric423   29-1-2024 02:11  Karma  +5   
HK_Legend   28-1-2024 07:31  Karma  +10   
LittleWing   28-1-2024 05:36  Karma  +4   Thanks. As someone from NZ, the name intrigues me... Is she a bird or a fruit? :)
Lustful Lord
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Post at 29-1-2024 09:31  Profile P.M. 
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Bro is really a gentleman who care about the feeling of the WG

Recent Ratings
gwailoplayer   29-1-2024 18:20  Karma  +3   WG safety operating instructions: avoid impactful bottoming out

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