Subject: [Philippines] [Marikina City] Kara of GoodLife 137
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Post at 29-9-2024 03:22  Profile P.M. 
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[Philippines] [Marikina City] Kara of GoodLife 137

[Philippines] [Marikina City] Kara of GoodLife 137 (her chip number can change but believe me, its her)

Location: Marikina City - incall  
Name: Kara of GoodLife 137 (her chip number can change but believe me, its her)
Contact:  09696382597/09671570890
Nationality: Filipino

march 2024

Ease of booking: 10/10   easy to talk to about the schedule.

Face Value: 3/10 OLDER natural Pinay beauty!  picture is HEAVILY EDITED!!! she is probably late 40s to early 50s

Body Figure: 3/10 sag everywhere. you name the possible body part, sag is there. she says she is a heavy drinker

Attitude: 10/10 super easy to talk to, no awkwardness  . a little airheaded and dumb

Hygiene: 10/10

Massage Value: 7/10 Even though   I want to skip, still recommends having a massage to relax more. You won't be disappointed with her massage, she's good at transitioning to the next part...

Pleasure Impact: 3/10  didnt finish

Value for Money:  not worth it 2k php package + 1800 room

[ Last edited by  pppppp at 29-9-2024 03:27 ]

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