Poll Subject: Groin hits with the boys  single choice [Show Voters]
I've done it, it's fun and funny
  10 (23.26%)
I've seen other guys do it, but I don't
  6 (13.95%)
No, it's gay and unacceptable
  27 (62.79%)

Subject: Groin hits with the boys
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 3-12-2008 20:26  Profile P.M. 
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Groin hits with the boys

I am having an argument with Mars and was wondering how many of you strike your friends' nutsack lightly as a joke.    As a kid in High School and Junior High we used to do this everyday along with wedgies on the geeks, neck slaps and pounding one another on the arms.  I no longer pound my buddies on the arms but on occasion I will hit my friend in the nuts just for fun, especially when we are dissing one another.  My boys also like to horseplay like this and it gets really rowdy all the time in my house.  I feel like this is normal male bonding behavior, especially amongst boys but Mars thinks it's gay.  Please VOTE and then reply to explain why you feel this way.  Here are a few examples.



When you have three rowdy boys, many a morning will you get a rude awakening like this guy did... if I am lucky there will only be shaving cream on my hands and a feather tickling my nose.

[ Last edited by  sexpert at 3-12-2008 20:35 ]
bethpageblack (itchy)
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Post at 3-12-2008 22:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sexpert's post

I've done it, but you should've added another option that says "Done it, but that's because I got hit in the balls first."
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Post at 3-12-2008 22:15  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 bethpageblack's post

LOL... you got me there... locker room shenanigans.  At least someone knows what I am talking about.  But admit it, you have hit someone in the balls first too.
Marsupial (Saint Marsupial)
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Post at 4-12-2008 01:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sexpert's post

Sexpert, you are SO predictable; I was 100% sure that after reading my post, you would start this stupid poll.

(If you want to know why sexpert started this poll, see this thread: http://forum.sex141.com/eforum/v ... p;extra=&page=1)

I notice you've phrased the choices to maximize sexpert-friendly responses. The question isn't whether "I have done it" past tense, but do you do it now: nobody's going to hold you responsible for what you did in the 2nd grade, what matters is whether or not this is acceptable behavior for an adult - so, as phrased, your poll is not an honest attempt to solicit opinion on this issue.

To be honest about it, you should have asked:

1)  Yes I think it's fun to grab guys' dicks
2)  No, I never do this because frankly it's kinda gay.

and if you must have a 3rd option:

3)  I might have done this once or twice when I was 6 yrs-old, but now I know better, and frankly it's kinda gay.

But you knew that phrased like that, you wouldn't get any positive votes.

Prediction: if the poll goes heavily against dick groping, expect to see a lot of new members from the NY region who think it's fun.

[ Last edited by  Marsupial at 6-7-2009 10:53 ]

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Post at 4-12-2008 01:07  Profile P.M. 
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By the way, sexpert is too embarrassed to say so himself, but if you think dick grabbing is fun, and live in the NYC area, PM him for contact info.

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也
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Post at 4-12-2008 01:40  Profile P.M. 
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Anybody who grabs my balls or strike my dick just for a laugh.........I make sure he get bruises in his face........there is no fun about it and it is plain stupid!!!

Please guys, don;t watch too much JACKASS movies!!! Btw, are those arses from New York as well??

Back then in school, kids like to use hands/fingers and poke another kid's asshole.

This one fat ass senior poke my asshole big time. I scream and felt like shitting on my pant. I grabbed a big stone and threw at his head. Bleed and he was sent to hospital for 2 stitches!!!!!! He cried like a baby.
Sent to principal room.  My explanation "He poke my ass!!". Principal said I should have reported to my teacher instead of taking revenge and hurt him. My mum was called to school for my misbehaviour and to bail me out.
Fatso's dad came to school from the hospital with the fatsol. Fatso's dad scolded me in front of my mum. My mum defended me and shoot in his face........"What if I poke your asshole right now!!!???"
Mum drag me out of the principal room and go home.  
From that day onward, nobody dares to bully me.

The following monthly assembly, the principal announced to school-wide that any bullies who does the asshole poking will be suspended.

I wanted to vote no. 3 but I don;t think it is GAY, so I pass. Rather, I think it is Stupid!!!

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Post at 4-12-2008 04:08  Profile P.M. 
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I really don't get it - sorry!  I mean, why the specific focus on the genitalia?

I'm predicting a low response to this meaningless exercise of a poll...
God this is dumb!

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Post at 4-12-2008 05:20  Profile P.M. 
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sexpert, touching my balls or shaft by another man, is not cool and is definately GAY. i dont do it to other people, so i hope they dont do it to me!

i only like it when girls are stroking my cock, and sucking my balls, then suck it raw!!!

i wouldnt even go as far as saying touching my junk is gay... sometimes when dudes look at me the wrong way, or smile at me funny, its totally homo

but, whatever floats your boat dude, if u want punch balls, just make sure its not mine!

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Post at 4-12-2008 07:17  Profile P.M. 
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Yep, used to happen at school.  Never really got into it and now that I'm an adult, I don't think its normal behaviour! But each to their own.
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Post at 4-12-2008 08:44  Profile P.M. 
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if you have ever been to magaluf, ibiza or tenerife for holiday, you will this is very common amongst british tourist
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Post at 4-12-2008 11:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 hunter's post

LOL... I recall the fingers in the asshole!  That shit was the most painful!  LOL...  when we were in junior high school we used to do that shit to the geeks in the locker room.  Sort of making your fingers into a DAOIST form and bend over and jump up with all the force you can muster up.  I recall the nerds crying from that shit... and yes, that shit happened to me too, I beat the fuck out of the guy too! LOL...  got suspended for a week because I broke a chair over the guy's back.  Good times! LOL...
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Post at 4-12-2008 11:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 hunter's post

BTW... was this in HK?  It always seems like only FATSOS are the wanna be bullies in HK, especially watching TVB... it's always the same fat kid who bullies other kids.  I remember a stupid Fat Russian bully in JHS too... he was held over twice and was HUGE compared to us little 11 year old Chinese kids.  Two years of bullying, then we decided to fuck his fat ass up.  After that beating he left the school.
bethpageblack (itchy)
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Post at 4-12-2008 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 sexpert's post

I think that's a Korean thing?  I think it's called a tong zhe or something?  Sort of like putting your hands together like a gun and then sticking it up someone's asshole.  The seniors in my HS used to do it to the freshmen as some sort of initiation rite.  When I became a senior I told my Korean friends not to do that shit.  More embarrassing to them than the frosh.
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Post at 4-12-2008 11:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 hunter's post

So, the truth comes out...  now we know why you love anal.
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Post at 4-12-2008 11:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 bethpageblack's post

koreans also love to smack people on the head

they are weird
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Post at 4-12-2008 11:40  Profile P.M. 
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I think cock grabbing is for juveniles. It is embarrassing for grown ups. I don't mind other people doing it as long as it's not my balls that are involved.  Just my take. I have nothing against cock grabbing brothers. Have fun.
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Post at 4-12-2008 15:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 sexpert's post

sexpert, i just wanna know... how does cock grabbing even go through ones mind? cuz in my 28 yrs of life, that thought has never crossed my mind...

when i think about pranks or revenge or initiation, nothing sexual would come up.

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Post at 4-12-2008 18:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Marsupial at 4-12-2008 01:07
By the way, sexpert is too embarrassed to say so himself, but if you think dick grabbing is fun, and live in the NYC area, PM him for contact info.


... ...too fucking funny bro!...


...i've read the whole kr "transvestite" thread and all the responses in there, as well as this poll...frankly, you really open yourself up to scrutiny of your sexual orientation, your credibility as an alpha male and sadly, your general intelligence...

...i'll leave the business of your boys and the dick grabbing you encourage them to do out of this, as this is not my business nor do i care...

...but the victimization and the "because it is so fucking hard for us as non-whites to live amongst these people, so we have to be hard arses in return" rap (and hence justify certain behavior to counteract the fact) lacks creativity and dismisses the good of dual cultural upbringing/experiences as you should have had plenty exposure to (which incidentally are the most common, basic similarities in american and chinese contemporary culture): the can-do attitude...

...i hope you'll get a chance to reflect on instilling other values beyond the super male to your children and not get into the juvenile mindset of telling the world (and your kids) that what you did some 20-30years ago as a kid applies to being good and well and is really ok to do, as an adult, when you actually should have learnt that it is not so (i think deep down, you actually know its really not cool)...

...and yes, i did vote in this ridiculously, hilarious/pathetic thread because i think you need to know (since you put up this poll) from the general population out there with whom you sign in to be a part of, that grabbing other men's dick or balls is not ok...

...fyi, just so you can have some referrence (since you mention your friends and pushing their arses while they fuck a girl), when have you seen the american porn film studs such as erik everhard or lex steele or ron jeremy even grab another super sex stud's dick or balls...

[ Last edited by  swan at 4-12-2008 18:11 ]
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Post at 4-12-2008 21:24  Profile P.M. 
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First off...I'll admit that this kinda behavior sexpert is talking about happened between my friends and I in middle school, when I was aged 12.  However, after you grow up...you learn that this is plain silly and unacceptable!

I'm not trying to defend sexpert's hobby here, but he did not mention anything about grabbing other people's balls! He's talking about a 'light tap' I believe.....as I have seen some guys do this as a joke, but again, no one over the age of 16.

Anyways..I voted Yes, because I had done it...but today I feel it is simply unacceptable...I'm not going into the whole gay or not gay opinion...
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Post at 4-12-2008 21:51  Profile P.M. 
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Firstly, the questions in this poll are not worded correctly to the extent that
we need to make assumptions in order to vote.

secondly the type of groin hitting sexpert is talking about is not light taps but full fledged hits in order to cause pain.
(if it's a 'light tap' I would be a lot more worried )

thirdly, this poll was created just to prove who is more right or wrong between two members ... I cannot dignify
this poll by voting.

lastly, if one is real buddy buddy with one's boss / CEO / George Bush / Santa,  would one take a swipe at his groin ?

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